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Are there models you want to see brought back out of retirement for the Aelfs, Free Peoples, Serphon, or Duardin? Now is the time to chime in, as Games Workshop wants to know what you want to see come back in the "Made to Order" lists.

via Games Workshop Age of Sigmar Facebook

Our Made to Order service has already brought back dozens of Warhammer 40,000 miniatures, and soon, Warhammer Age of Sigmar will get its turn.

So we want to know: what would you like to see?

We’re looking for suggestions for any older models for factions within the Grand Alliance: Order book - Aelfs, Free Peoples, Seraphon, Sylvaneth, Duardin - whatever. If there are any models for those armies that are out of production, but you would still like to add to your force, let us know, and we’ll see what we can do.

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