I was down (literally) for a short while and the first thing that fell off my able to do list was 3D printing. Well I am back up and running now and for the most part fully recovered from a brief Emergency Room visit and lots of testing. While I am still under testing right now I am very much under lockdown and printing like a mad man again. 

Most of what I am printing is from Aphyrion's 3d Printing Patreon with lots of servitor machine infantry and of course a super big Tank! (see below for a preview of the big tank)

I ran about 30 infantry literally less than two days. Minatari Thralls I have been waiting to print for some time. They were a part of Nov or Decembers Patreon release. 

I need to paint some of these guys up as they have a fantastic amount of detail that I cannot wait to get paint on. 

What I am doing is printing out the miniatures in resin on the Photon S and the bases in plastic on the Ender 5 pro. Really liking these guys. Its always surprising just how little time and materials it takes to print this many infantry. I could easily print a 100 of these thralls in a single bottle of resin.

Speaking of paint... I also need to get back to the Monastus War Construct which I printed up last month also from Aphyrion. Got some painting still to do although I think its looking pretty good. It will be used in some upcoming Genesys Project games we have on the horizon. 

So the big question is what am I printing now......... 

The Callisto Super Heavy Tank- Yes its as big as it looks so far. This is from the March Patreon releases. So far I am on my third print run for this beast, so I will be doing some updates as I get more pieces out.

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