New single page erratas as out now for the Drukhari Codex and for Piety and Pain. Check them out.…
New single page erratas as out now for the Drukhari Codex and for Piety and Pain. Check them out.…
The Fallen have their own Index Hereticus in May's White Dwarf and is an issue that I think many people will want to head out and pick up. …
The Bestarium is a 3D Printing Patreon that has over the top sculpts and this month is no different with the Gorgon Catacombs. These are your parasitic nightmare wishes for miniatures. With only a single day left in the month I wanted to make certain I share these.…
This is looking like a great boxset with two factions and all you need to play Necromunda. Earlier this week we looked at WarCom's introduction into the Delaque, now lets see what nasty chemicals the Escher are cooking up!…
What's On Your Table- Submit what is on your hobby tableUp to 8 images or a short video to show what you have on your table to natfka@live.comBit of a mixed bag here :…
Heroes Infinite has put their take on an Egyptian themed release for the month of May and its rather fantastic. …
Shieldwall Tank? Check. Im in. Here is a preview of what you will be seeing if you are a Patreon of the Geargutz Mekshop. Remember he does daily releases up through the 22nd/23rd of each month. A lot of Ork'ish style vehicles, Infantry, and everything in-between.…
This thing looks massive. Also I love the Engineers, check out what is coming this next month from the Makers Cult.…
Drop Force Recon is coming in May from the Anvil Digital Forge Patreon. This looks like a great set incoming for May. …
What's On Your Table- Submit what is on your hobby tableUp to 8 images or a short video to show what you have on your table to natfka@live.comThis is a not so small fun project that I have been working on lately, the imperial landship "Igni Ferroque".…
Ive always been intrigued by the Delaque so its good to see them featured in the new upcoming boxset for Necromunda, Hive War. Its scheduled to be available for preorders on May 8th.…
This schedule has me hooked when it shows two days of Warhammer 40k. …
Seriously, a banner? That seems like a bit of a let down for a reveal, but lets take a look at it. Im certain there is redemption here.…
Another interesting miniature that sheds the light on a previous Rumour Engine.…
Necromunda Hive War is just what people have been asking for, a complete way to get into the game that currently seems overloaded with books and rules. This puts much of that in one place. …
What's On Your Table- Submit what is on your hobby tableUp to 8 images or a short video to show what you have on your table to natfka@live.comAfter not painting for months, happy to report i am once again putting brush to paint.Here's my current work on the Cursed City heroes.…
Next week there are no preorders coming again, but there is quite a bit in the works. Check out the latest from Games Workshop.…
Wow, this is a beautiful release coming in May from Archvillain Games for their 3D Patreon. This is a must see. …
Another reminder to show us your what you are working on. We would love to see it. Up to 8 images or a short video to show what you have on your table to natfka@live.com…
This looks like a great boxset to jump into the Adeptus Mechanicus. Most excellent.…
What's On Your Table- Submit what is on your hobby tableUp to 8 images or a short video to show what you have on your table to natfka@live.comDue to the new dark eldar codex coming out I fancied adding some lady's to my Archons courts. Did not fancy paying a tone of money for the proper min so I got…
Atlantis Miniatures giving away 3 free STL files when you sign up for their newsletter. On that one.Check out the Print My Minis subscription service and get all of what you see above for $10***FREE STL's***In celebration of Print My Minis forthcoming May release, they are giving away 3 free STL fi…
Dave Taylor is putting together a set of three books about the art of miniatures that will be coming soon to Kickstarter. Make certain you follow the link to sign up to know when the project goes live.So what is in these three books? Lets take a close look at them with the official press release an…
Taking a look at some of the abilities of Gardus Steel Soul's from his datasheet today that mirror what he was like in the novel. …
This looks like a solid release from the Artisan Guild for next month's 3D Patreon. …
What's On Your Table- Submit what is on your hobby tableUp to 8 images or a short video to show what you have on your table to natfka@live.comAn Eliminator squad for my Primaris produced from Alpha Legion gene seed. Literally just finished the first squad, second is underway.…
Warhammer Animations is underway with a look at Iron Within. The details are looking good and can't wait to see more animation on the project.…
What's On Your Table- Submit what is on your hobby tableUp to 8 images or a short video to show what you have on your table to natfka@live.comI just want to share my finally finished Nurgle Knight.The core model is the imperial Knight and lots of things are printed on my resin printer.Pretty happy …
Atlantic Wargames has been in the middle of a number of polls, 6 in fact, to determine their next boxsets that will be coming out. Today we are already up to poll number 4, so get in today and over the next couple to get your top selections in. There is a lot of options. …
All of your Dark Eldar needs are here with this 3D Printing Patreon. Edge Miniatures has a crazy number of Talos options along with Wracks and Haemonculi to really take your army to the next level. …
Soulblight Gravelords are coming soon but are apparently far enough away that there are no rules being shared today, just some concepts on how finicky and high on themselves the Bloodknights are. Of course some great artwork as well and a look at the miniature for Lady Annika. …
New Rumour Engine Teaser is up today. Guesses?…
What's On Your Table- Submit what is on your hobby tableUp to 8 images or a short video to show what you have on your table to natfka@live.comI completed this Reaver Titan this month, after completing the Warlord-Sinister. This Titan is for Legio Ignatum, the "Fire Wasps". 262krieg.blogspot.com…
Great looking miniatures of Slaanesh are coming. A set of daemonic twins you have to see to believe…
What's On Your Table- Submit what is on your hobby tableUp to 8 images or a short video to show what you have on your table to natfka@live.comHey Natka, Big fan of your site. Finally got around to reinforcing and adding another shelf to my display cabinet. Here's some pics from that. …
No new preorders for the next couple weeks will be coming from Games Workshop. I am going to imagine something big will be coming in May... a new codex perhaps. With that in mind here is what Games Workshop said today.…
What's On Your Table- Submit what is on your hobby tableUp to 8 images or a short video to show what you have on your table to natfka@live.comI recently completed this project as part of #MonsterMarch over on Path of an Outcast.…
Taking a break from resin printing for a brief time. Just to catch my breath, deep clean the areas I print, replace cleaning supplies, etc. In the meantime I have been printing up an army solely from Aphyrion Games and her Patreon. …
Perhaps this is the reason! Meet Berserker Bunny.Villains and Archvillains!We decided to celebrate Easter a bit late - here is barbaric version of the Easter Bunny we put up on MyMiniFactory!This is the Berserker Bunny and ALL of the eggs belong to him!As always, patrons get the special treatment wi…
Its the weekend and look what is up for preorders today! the new Be'lakor, Broken Realms Be'lakor, and more.…
Some early info in Italian in Italian from what I read. Check them out to get a head start on the weekend.…
What's On Your Table- Submit what is on your hobby tableUp to 8 images or a short video to show what you have on your table to natfka@live.com…
Got some summer reading ahead that you would like to get in on. This selection of Humble Bundle Black Library books will keep you going for an easy price. …
King Dain Ironfoot and Thorin III Stonehelm are up for preorder today from Forgeworld. Even if you don't play the Middle Earth Strategy Game these are cool miniatures.…
Wight Kings are in the Soulblight Gravelords book taking your forces beyond mere Vampires. …
Maloghurst was shown this morning as coming soon from Forgeworld for the Horus Heresy. The miniature looks very good.…
Take a closer look the updates to this miniature...... Love seeing the side by side, but I will miss the old one.…