Of course Space Marines and Orks are not really in there, and will be in the box set. Did someone mention a table of contents? lol. Anyhow, all the factions seem to be there except for the ones contained in the box. …
Leaked Tau, Eldar, and Dark Eldar Rules for Shadow War Armegeddon

Rules for the Tau, Eldar and Dark Eldar are now available to check out for Shadow War Armegeddon. …
Hawk Wargames Newsletter Updates
Lots of news from Hawk Wargames, including a few notes regarding show only models being online for a little while longer, as well as the Direct only Saratoga lasting through April 21st. …
New Pre-Orders: Legion Moritats and Iron Warrior Tyrant Siege Terminators
New from Forgeworld this morning are the new Legion Moritats with either Plasma Pistol or a Volikite Serpenta alongside new Iron Warriors Siege Terminators. …
The Hunt? New Rules for the Fallen?

This looks like it's most likely fake, but this is making it's rounds and it's quite possible we are going to be needing rules for the Fallen after the release of Cypher. …
Huge Black Library Sale on Digital Books through Humble Bundle
You have 13 days for this left, but this is an amazing opportunity to get caught up on books from the Black Library that you have missed or not yet gotten a chance to pick up. I should also mention there are some other misc items included in these bundles, like Wallpapers, discounts for some recent…
Blades of Khorne Contents

Games Workshop reveals the contents page of the newest pre-orders for the Age of Sigmar, The Blades of Khorne. …
GW's New Website... Warhammer Digital

Splitting up the digital range from the books of the Black Library, the new site Warhammer Digital will have all the digital format rules available. To launch the new site, there are some special offers as well. …
Rumor Engine Teaser
Leaked Rules for Shadow Wars Armegeddon
Updated (not real) The Lord of Death Calls His Legion to War
This was just sent in to me, and I can only hope that it's legit and real. We know we have new forces for Nurgle coming, so this easily fits into those rumors and information bits. (confirmed this is not real) …
The Genesys Project News: Updates, Subclasses, and Balancing.

There has been a lot of great feedback, and the next update for the Fey are coming Monday. That means if you have comments or questions, please send them in either directly to natfka@live.com or using the feedback forms on the Genesys Website. I want to encourage players to get their feedback in be…
Shadow War Vertical Battlefield

Shadow Wars Armegeddon is looking better than ever, and check out the image above posted up on Facebook. …
More Images from White Dwarf

Mini Wars has some new and some we have already seen images from the latest White Dwarf. …
Shadow War: Armageddon Coming This Weekend

Pre-orders are coming this weekend for Shadow War: Armageddon. Really with the scenery for this game, it looks like its going to be amazing. …
Blades of Khorne Battletome

The Blades of Khorne Battletome is coming soon, although we are not expecting any new models for the book. …
Gryfalcon Jetbike Coming from Forgeworld

Forgeworld today is giving us a glimpse of the the newest addition to the Legio Custodes …
Lost and Not Found

As many people have noted I am not necessarily able to use my office the last so many days as I am out of the country for a bit. So I thought I would give an image of where I am at to see if anyone can place me in the world. …
Seen on the Shelves in Germany

These were sent in by a reader showing the Space Marines and Orks Buid+ Paint box sets appearing in a Gamestop store. I know these have been on shelves in the US, so its good to see the market penetration in other countries.…
Adepticon Picture Compilation

Literally Greg takes hundreds of pictures when he goes somewhere, and this year at Adepticon was not any different. There are hundreds of fantastic images that he captured, so you couldnt find a better place to see pictures of armies, miniatures, and just about anything else Adepticon. Lets take a …
Mierce Miniatures: Lots of New Releases

Mierce Miniatures is one of my favorite miniature companies that I keep an eye on, and a couple days back they released a whole new set of releases. These include many miniatures for Darklands and Bane Legions, but I have several of their miniatures that I am going to be ordering for the Genesys Pr…
Corvette Releases for Dropfleet Commander

More Dropfleet Commander is always good, and here Firestorm Games has a good look at the Corvette pre-orders that are coming out. Later this week, I will be opening a set as well, and we will get a change to really dig into how these are used. Corvettes are awesome in dropfleet, but like most ships…
Plastic Thunderhawk Gunship becomes reality

Forgeworld has announced that they have sold the last Resin Thunderhawk Gunship. Nothing else has to be said. Literally the mythical beast is coming. …
More Images from this Months White Dwarf

I am a little bit slower on this over the weekend as I get my bearings while on vacation. Internet sometimes becomes an issue on some countries. Now that I am just about all set, here are the rest of the images from L Astropate. …
What's On Your Table: Stealer Cult Conversion Potential for Shadow War: Armageddon

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Hi fellow Cultists of GW! All this talk of Necromunda-type gangs has got me reinvigorated for completing my Genestealer Cult army, particularly if they produce another Delaque-type gang. …
Plastic Thunderhawk Gunship?
The thunderhawk gunship done in plastic has always been the unicorn or mythical beast of the rumor mill. With Games workshop's recent video from Adepticon, this has thrown the whole concept back into the forefront. Following that video..... suddenly the Thunderhawk is now out of stock. hmmm. https:…
New Pre-Orders From Games Workshop

The latest Pre-Orders are up from Games Workshop, and they will be coming to your area as the day goes on. …
Warhammer Wargear: New Website
What's On Your Table: Night Lords Inspired Guitar Pedal

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I thought this might be something interesting for a What's On Your Table entry. I recently finished painting/building a guitar pedal for a friend of mine who is a huge Night Lords fan. I used ForgeWorld Nigh…
New Custodes, Mechanicum Pre-orders, + the Dwarf Deathroller

New pre-orders from Forgeworld today. …
What's On Your Table: Deep Space Mercenary Commander

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com My recently completed deep space mercenary Commander from the book Heroes for Wargames and of course the Rogue Trader Rulebook. …
What's On Your Table: Yncarne

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Spent a bit of time putting the Yncarne model together. I wanted to represent the explosion of a craftworld infinity circuit and settled on it erupting as a spectrum of every wave of light. As such I settled on a…
TW: Warhammer - Lizardmen Incoming?

This is full tinfoil mode but the evidence points to Lizardmen becoming the next expansion in Total War. What do you all think, does the evidence match up or have I completely lost my mind?! https://comingsoon.totalwar.com/ …
A look into Creating your Faction: Basic Rundown

The Genesys Project you just dont select your wargear, but you customize it, create your unit classes, and create your own faction with your own selection of rules. Its your faction. Thinking infiltration would be something your army needs.... done. Stronger melee, done. Not only do you customize y…
Confirmed Store Event Set for Shadow Wars Armageddon Contents

This was just confirmed that indeed this is the set that stores are receiving for Shadow Wars Armageddon. So these should be in stores very soon if they are not there already.…
Interesting Things..... Plastic Thunderhawk and Sisters of Battle Bits

There are two items beyond the 8th edition bits Games Workshop is giving us that jump out from the first Adepticon bombshells from yesterday. …
8th Edition Changes from Warhammer Community+ Great Video
Love the video... Lots of fun. Here are the latest announcement from Games Workshop on just how 8th Edition is going to play out! …
New 8th Edition 40k Rules Changes Revealed+ Mortarion

I know we are all on the edge of our seat when it comes to 8th edition 40k, and today at Adepticon, GW took no time to take things slow. Jumping right into some of the changes coming! …
New Site Coming from Games Workshop: Warhammerdigital.com

It appears that we will be seeing some things moved off the Black Library. …
Eternal Crusade - New Player Guide (Menu/Map Overview)

I keep seeing a lot of questions and confusion on some of the game mechanics so I thought it would be best to do a new series dedicated to helping new players to the game. This video is dedicated at informing people about the player menu and the basic map overview. …
New Lessened Restrictions for Online Retailers

New guidelines are coming out, taking a back some of the online selling policies Games Workshop put into place a while back. Now brick and mortar locations can sell online with imagery, descriptions and even offer a discount, although limited to 15% off. …
New Rumour Engine Teaser Today
Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire: Tactical Arena Game Revealed
More from Adepticon and the Warhammer Community..... + a Female Stormcast... …
Shadow War Details..Events Start Up + Hired Guns

All the details are coming out, and the latest is that stores will be having an event for Shadow Wars starting on April 1st. Below we have the first details. …
Updated Details: This Weeks Releases and Prices

This weekend is looking like a Blood Bowl set of releases along side some new hobby tools. Here is the latest Ive heard for this weekend. …
Updated Price: Shadow War Armageddon Release Date!

Shadow War Armageddon is coming soon. The word out now is April 8th is the release date for it, which is right around the corner. …
Genesys Updates Are Live!!!! Fey Beasts are in. Create Beasts, Mounts, God-like Creatures
The Fey are now updated live to v2.6 from your feedback, questions, and playtesting. There are some new things in here to be aware of, so lets dive in and take a quick look at what is going on. …
Ep 187 Combat Phase podcast - Lucius the Eternal w/Ian St. Martin & Building Heresy Lists w/Ryan K (RFI)

http://traffic.libsyn.com/combatphase/Ep_187_-_Lucius_wIan_st_Martin__Heresy_lists_wRyan_K.mp3 We talk news, hobby, games played and then guests as Kenny prepares for Adepticon next week. First (Stay in your lane!!!) Ryan from Radio Free Isstvan joins us to help Heresy fans make lists and play on t…
Fixed: Painting and Review of Mars Attacks

From Hot Dice Miniatures In this video I build and paint all of the components in Mantic's Mars Attacks box from the terrain to the little green men. Note from Natfka... Sorry the video was not set up right. Mistake on my end. …
Desperate Times for the Imperium
What's On Your Table: Fallout Genestealer Cult
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Hi there. Building a Genestealer cult force built around a Fallout vault 13 theme. Love the way the cult plays and have fun with them. …