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The next season of Shadespire starts next week and there is a new box set to go along with it.

via the Warhammer Commnunity

The Nightvault of the Mirrored City is open, and your Warhammer Underworlds experience will never be the same again.
Next week, the new season of Warhammer Underworlds begins, with Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault. You’ll be able to enter the Nightvault with a brand-new boxed set, available to pre-order next week…
Nightvault will be kicking off with a jam-packed Core Set – your essential first step into the new season. If you’ve never played Warhammer Underworlds before, this set contains everything you need to get started:
The new warbands for Nightvault are a fantastic peek into the Sacrosanct Chamber and the Nighthaunt, offering characterful takes on two factions we saw radically reinvented this summer. The Thorns of the Briar Queen feature some truly macabre Nighthaunt, from the appropriately named Ever-hanged to spectral jailor Varclav the Cruel. Meanwhile, Stormsire’s Cursebreakers surge with dynamism, energy and personality. You’ll be able to add these guys to your Warhammer Age of Sigmar armies soon with a set of free warscrolls.
For veteran players, this set is your foothold into the new season, providing you with the updated rules plus cards and warbands to start playing with. Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault is 100% compatible with the warbands and cards you already own, and this season will feature hundreds of cards you can add to your decks.

Meanwhile, if you’re looking to try something new, the two warbands from the Core Set are just the beginning, with six more on their way featuring fan-favourite factions and ambitious new playstyles and mechanics.

Magic spells, for example, are powerful new ploys and attacks usable only by Wizards, requiring dice of their own and having all manner of unusual effects on the game. Blast your foes to ash or create mystical shields – the introduction of such sorcery is guaranteed to shake up Warhammer Underworlds forever.

At launch, you’ll be able to grab a great range of new accessories for Warhammer Underworlds. The Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault Dashboard, for example, makes managing your glory, decks, discard piles and so on, simple:

For those of you looking to add some extra narrative flair to your games, the Arcane Hazards are ideal, allowing you to customise your boards with finely detailed 3D terrain specially designed to match the 2D details on the boards themselves:

You’ll also be able to keep your cards safe with a dedicated Deck Box and two new sets of sleeves, designed to match the new warbands:

Finally, dice! While you’ll get all the dice you need to play in the Core Set, you’ll be able to match them to your warband – or grab some extra-fancy magic dice – with a range of new sets:
And it doesn’t stop there. Over the next few months, you’ll be able to get more warbands and more cards as we expand Warhammer Underworlds even further. We can’t give away just who you’ll be seeing in the future yet, but here are a pair of fighters from the upcoming warbands…

We’ll be previewing Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault throughout next week with an in-depth look at the new warbands, new cards and more – check back tomorrow for our first preview

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