We have had quite a few discussions on the new Necrons since the original Beasts of War leaks. With all the information and fluff turning out to be accurate, (but not a yet complete picture), the discussions have become more precise.

The poll to your left is a good indication of where people are at. It shows positive feedback from most people, although there is still time to vote. However it surprises me just how many people are in the negative. I did expect it to be a minority, however I am surprised that the number is as high as it is.

So what I am doing is taking several "dislike" posts and a couple "like" (maybe) and posting them up. I know not everyone reads through the comment sections, especially when they get very long, so this will be the highlight reel.
I am very impressed with the readers here that take the time to comment. The dialogue and opinions are impressive enough that I felt they should be shared.

This is not done by favorites, and my intentions are not to post any anonymous posters (past the first) unless they have attached a name to the post. There were some very articulate naysayers with the new codex, and I probably missed the best ones, so if I missed you and your opinion, there is room in the comment section.

Note that the first comment was critical of me to begin with and my editorial comments that I made a couple Sundays ago. It then goes into some Necron detail. So yes, I take constructive criticisms, and I read every comment on this site.  Figured that was a good place to start.

Please do not turn the comment section into a bitching session or arguing with one another, lets keep it civil. I am posting these because I see that some people in our community are upset with the new fluff and models, and these comments are being constructive. The links are there, so that quotes are not taken too far out of the posts context.

Once again to be fair, there was a ton of good comments that were left out.

Anonymous said...  http://natfka.blogspot.com/2011/10/presence-of-faeit-leaked-necrons-necron.html
I would like to speak on behalf of the all the "whiners" when I say, they are 'concerns' rather than whining and to refer such comments as the later is a troll like behaviour which I do not expect from this site, and certainly not from its author.

I'm fine with a total reworking of the established rules as long as they retain the iconic character of the army… one of which being that they are hard to keep down. If the new reanimation protacols prove to be WBB's equal but in a different form then all the better, but initial impressions are that you will see less Necron models returning to play, but only time will tell.

As for phase out, I don't feel that necron players should be greatful for losing something that was a significantly flawed rule mechanic in the first place, and there for should have never been allowed in the final rules to begin win.

Aternox said... http://natfka.blogspot.com/2011/10/presence-of-faeit-leaked-necrons-necron.html

As someone who has spent thousands of dollars on this hobby (no exaggeration) and has been waitintq...10 years?? I feel that whining (and maybe a little stomping around) is what I need to do. :)

I dont like the fluff/theme, models, or the rules (at least what I know of them). Fluff-wise Im not sad to see the Ctan drama end but Im extremely disappointed that the Necrons seem disorganized and lack any dark enigma. Also, what happened to the dark project where the Necrons planned to destroy the webway? That was way cool. As were the Pariahs.. very Lovecraftian. Kinda scary.

Now it is all about Tomb Kings. Not as exciting to me. The models are somewhat cool. I LOVE LOVE the new Immortals. I also like the Deathmarks. Everything else looks blingy and overdone to me. And arks? Ugh.. less Egypt would have been better.

I read a quote from some GW guy that said that "Necrons always were Tomb Kings in space" but saying that doesnt make it true. That was just one theme and a more minor one at that. Very disappointed..

Everyone keeps saying that they want uniqueness but this codex doesnt really deliver. The "masters of space" and time have boats to ship them around. I would have chosen to make them all capable of teleporting ... no transports at all. Sure, like nids but still unique.

To those that keep harping on the MEQ aspect.. let it go, that was the least of necron player worries. Concerning the rules, i highly doubt that this reanimation will be better that the current wbb. Aint gonna happen..especially without the Monolith's extra roll. All that aside what I really wanted to see Necrons get some good CC, but everything is Initiative 2! Wtf?! Nerf?

 I hope there is a little surprise like more lash whip option rather than just on the Wraith. If not... well, I suppose Ill just move on to War Machine. Is this long enough to not be whining?

Damn The Valley said... http://natfka.blogspot.com/2011/10/necrons-love-or-hate-updated-backstory.html#comments
Honestly, I like it, and the general population of gamers around here seem to like it as well, with only one or two who don't like it so far but are waiting to see the codex. I think that the old codex was very boring, and lacked any true emotion. I'm a fluffy guy though, so I can't just throw models on the table and roll dice. I like to think there would be a reason that army "A" would be fighting army "B".

Euronyme said... http://natfka.blogspot.com/2011/10/necrons-love-or-hate-updated-backstory.html#comments
As a fluff nerd im against the George Lucas effect. People complained that the necrons had no personality, but thats kind of the point. All teams need their own style, otherwise there will be lots of players left out. Now all i see is necrons running around looking for C'tans to the pokemon theme.

To be fair though, its not the worst thing GW done.

meow555 said... http://natfka.blogspot.com/2011/10/necrons-love-or-hate-updated-backstory.html#comments
since these are still just rumours, i am a bit skeptical about this info. but i wouldn't be surprised if some of it, most of it or all of it turns out to be legit. i am waiting for the codex to reach my hands.

as a Necron fiend, i always loved the lore/fluff and feel of the race. i like the "old" lore/fluff better than the new stuff. to me, it was much more mysterious, special, original, symbolic and characteristic to the Necrons. they where much more different compared to other races/armies. some say they lacked "personality", but that was the intention and charm of their race. in a sense, they did have "personality" in their own way, at least they did to me.

if you've never liked Necrons because you thought they where "bland", then good for you. Necrons weren't your cup of tea. there's no reason why their background and feel had to be changed just to make them more "mainstream". in a hobby like this, there is always gonna be an "offbeat" thing that isn't used as much as others, that doesn't mean they can't co-exist with the rest the way they are.

am i going to loose interest in Necrons now? no way, i will still love them as always. am i going to be a bit disappointed in this new stuff? yes, a little. change always brings some discontent. on the other side of things, i am liking some of the new stuff, mainly the new and redesigned models/units. they do look pleasantly dreadful.

now, with how Necrons got so much bountiful attention with this advance, i hope they don't get neglected anymore in other WH40k things. i am hoping they are playable in both DoW3 and the 40K MMO. i can dream.

Hownowbrowntau said... http://natfka.blogspot.com/2011/10/necrons-love-or-hate-updated-backstory.html#comments
Prefer the old fluff. It feels like another space marine codex with new chapters, instead of intimidating robotic killers. No big surprise given the author. Makes me worry about fluff changes for new codices on the way. I mean, come on, it's just Tomb King Space Marines.

Roland Durendal said... http://natfka.blogspot.com/2011/10/necrons-love-or-hate-updated-backstory.html#comments
I dig the new background but with one caveat: GW really, REALLY made it too much "Tomb Kings in SPACE!!11!!1!!!" I know in editions past they were trying to move away from direct or indirect links between WHFB and WH40k, that goes for inter-relating fluff as well as similar sounding fluff, but this is just a blatant carbon copy from Fantasy with a fast forwarding of time by 40000 years.

So my one gripe with the proposed new background (if true) is that there's little originality to it. They've done something similar before with Tomb Kings. I wish they had gone a different route.

For example, you know what's scarier than a souless killer robot/automaton? A robot/automaton that has a soul and still feels no compunction about killing and destroying the universe. As a literary function, the reader can more easily dismiss the souless killer as he (the killer) doesn't know any better, he doesn't know right from wrong. But the reader has a much much harder time justifying the actions of one who does know and understand right and wrong. My one literary critique anyway :P
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