There is a great year ahead of us coming into 2020 and I could not be more excited. The Genesys Project books are getting printed up and there is just so much coming for the game that I just cannot wait to jump into and get released to everyone. …
There is a great year ahead of us coming into 2020 and I could not be more excited. The Genesys Project books are getting printed up and there is just so much coming for the game that I just cannot wait to jump into and get released to everyone. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. Its the Start of the New Year! Jump in and show us what is on "your" table! Got some ork Deathskulls getting ready for a trip out to Nevada in late January. (They’ve been busy looting some Ad Mech…
This is going to be a great year coming into 2020 and I cannot wait to get started! 2019 felt like it fell flat and dragged everyone through the ringer. Faeit 212 will be going through some big layout and changes that will help everyone navigate to what they are interested in better, and there are …
The last Rumour Engine teaser for the year. This is perhaps one of the worst though of the year as its a scabbard of all things. I am hoping someone can tell me something on this that would make it exciting other than being so very generic.…
With all the new games one of the things I have been most concerned with is how they can keep up with it all. After all GW has so much in the works with so many different games it becomes reasonable to think that like in the past these games would slowly vanish. It appears GW has a plan for all of …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. Its the Start of the New Year! Jump in and show us what is on "your" table! Did this Mephiston for a holiday gift to a friend. …
The Kharadron Overlords are getting some big changes this weekend coming in the form of a new updated Battletome and being a part of the new Aether War box set. Here is a look at some of the new changes coming for them. …
Here is what is coming this week. We are into the next year with these starting off 2020. Here they are! …
Whoa is this grainy, but that's the way we find these sometimes. I am certain with their leaked images out that we will get a much better shot from GW once they realize"We've Seen It!" Looks like a new speeder as well as possibly a bike and Baal Predator? …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. The Line up is short right now with the Holidays..... Great Time to submit your work. Three Headed Beast vs Orks …
As is with the Christmas season things spread out and Ive been a little behind on this one. Duncan Rhodes is leaving Games Workshop at the end of the year. I pulled up his confirmational tweet acknowledging it. As for Duncan.... He is one of my favorites and I am certain one of yours as well at Gam…
Its time to start looking ahead at what is coming in the near year! First up the Aether War. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. The Line up is short right now with the Holidays..... Great Time to submit your work. Hi, this is the first piece of my new sisters of battle army. I wanted to try my paint scheme and Amalia Noven…
Mantic has some great new miniatures coming out for Kings of War. First off what I am liking the most..... the Nightstalker Units. Following that Abyssal Dwarves! and of course some more Northern Alliance Dwarf Clansmen. All great stuff......... Usable for Vanguard and Kings of War... or any other …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. The Line up is short right now with the Holidays..... Great Time to submit your work. Here i send you the photos of my recently finished Ork kopta, hope you like it …
2019 there has been quite a few fantastic miniature releases from Games Workshop and its that time again to vote for which one will take the top spot. Here are the past winners and where to go and vote. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. The Line up is short right now with the Holidays..... Great Time to submit your work. This is Macer the Headsman, Warlord of the Broken Blades, a warband of Khorne fanatics comprised of former leg…
Another great deal going on now. Some crazy good miniatures in this buy one get one free type of event. …
Showing a few of the sales going on today! here is the one from Raging Heroes. Now it's that time of the year, our Boxing Day sale is here with 2 sweet deals: 50% off TGG1 metal heroines and Buy 2 get the 3rd one for free but... ONLY FOR 1 day... You can Copy/Paste this discount code to use it when…
This is a good set of rumors that will lead us into the next year with some interesting bits from a source that says to be close to the the workings of what's going on. These are the things he has been hearing and wanted to help us launch into the new year with some information. Notes here about th…
From Games Workshop yesterday during the Christmas... New things on the way! Ritual of the Damned and more. Here are some holiday previews …
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope your having the best of Holidays today. the pic is from my kids trail cams they set up to catch Santa. Hmmmmm…
Hmmmmm. I guess it could be... nah.. via GW Don’t forget to set out some sacred unguents and incense each Monday night for the Tech-Priests who keep it running! Here’s the big reveal for Christmas Eve. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. The Line up is short right now with the Holidays..... Great Time to submit your work. The Horde …
Once the Holidays are over and we get back to releases another Psychic Awakening is coming soon to give us Dark Angels and Grey Knights vs Thousand Sons. A new character killer, new primaris, new characters? What else is on the horizon. We shall see as Ritual of the Damned is slated for January! He…
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. The Line up is short right now with the Holidays..... Great Time to submit your work. Been making my way through the baddies in Blackstone Fortress lately and here's my first negavolt cultist - to…
These seem to reveal new warbands and terrain releases mostly for Warcry. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. The Line up is short right now with the Holidays..... Great Time to submit your work. …
These look good. I rather like the shoulder pads used. via Anvil Industry Our new range of modular power-armoured Exo-Lords will be up for pre-order on Monday 23 December, shipping from 10 January. All parts available as separate bits as well as in our custom squad builders https://www.facebook.com…
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. The Line up is short right now with the Holidays..... Great Time to submit your work. Hot on the tail of the Faith and Fury release, here’s my take on a Black Templars Redemptor Dreadnought. If yo…
This feels a little light, but there were lots of releases this fall head up until now. Lets take a look at what the Warhammer Community has shown for its line up the last few months. …
The Macro Gatling Blaster is available today for pre-orders from Forgeworld. That's a massive gun …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. The Line up is short right now with the Holidays..... Great Time to submit your work. …
The Black Library has been in the middle of it's Advent Calendar with short stories and more being released. …
This is funny and one of those things that makes the 10 page of your newspaper but should be upfront. Wakanda is confirmed as a United States free trade partner on the USDA website. …
Following up on yesterday's releases we look at May through August that includes games such as Necromunda, 40k, Age of Sigmar and more. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. The Line up is short right now with the Holidays..... Great Time to submit your work. …
Games Workshop is doing a look back at the 2019 year thing and today we will start with January through April. Lets see what was out! …
The only thing on this week's pre-order list is the Black Library book, Court of the Blind King. Its also featured today on the Warhammer Community giving a quick rundown of what is coming in it. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. The Line up is short right now with the Holidays..... Great Time to submit your work. Sending another project your way, as promised. Happy holidays, …
Its always amazing when our community here on Faeit 212 expands outward into the hobby with products and services. This is one of those, and I wanted to give him a shout out and introduction to everyone. Go check him out and may I introduce to you the Sigmarite Boutique. …
Here is the latest Rumour Engine Teaser... OK. This one I want to know what the heck it is.…
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. The Line up is short right now with the Holidays..... Great Time to submit your work. An Ultramarines leviathan dreadnought. I added a few bits to roman him up, the shoulder epaulets, head crest, …
There is always so many great miniatures available from Warlord Games. Their new site is much easier to navigate and looks great. So catch up and check out the releases you missed by exploring their new website. https://wargamesatlantic.com/products/halfling-militia?variant=31045164761186…
What a great set to get and use for Halflings of all army times. This set is for £25 or $34.95 for 40 miniatures that allows you to create just about any type of warriors you need, archers, pikemen, swords, and more. …
New updates....... Here is your link to get to the latest links and updates. https://www.warhammer-community.com/faqs/…
It's that time of year (around Christmas) that I am trying to find more time to read and pushing the family to do the same. That means I am digging through books I have that I have bought and not yet read and checking to see what warhammer books the library has gotten since I last made my rounds th…
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. The Line up is short right now with the Holidays..... Great Time to submit your work. The battle for five thousand points. In fact, this is a training game before the game for 10+ thousand. And th…
Here is a good lure to get you to your retail shops.... Tech Priest Grombindal will be only available in retail shops. This is an excellent thing in my books. Promote getting people to the stores. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to natfka@live.com. The Line up is short right now with the Holidays..... Great Time to submit your work. I heard that the line up is short right now so I'll gladly give you some more content. A very fitting model fo…