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Don't forget that the 2016 model Archaon is up for raffle with the NOVA Charitable Foundation and it ends in just over a week. This model is the exact model seen on Warhammer TV (link below) and is well worth putting a few dollars towards.

Here are the details.

SALES END: SATURDAY, 10/01/2016 at 12:01am EST
Key points:
  • First ever GW painted miniature (at 13"!!) to be donated to a cause
  • A model with its own YouTube Video on Warhammer TV
  • Funds raised will support Doctors Without Borders / Medecins Sans Frontieres
  • Only 2000 tickets will be sold worldwide - limited tickets/improved chances to win
  • NOCF will ship to the winner ANYWHERE -- reminder: we just finished shipping to UK, Australia, and Tasmania (again) since end of NOVA Open 2016
  • Participating is a great way to let GW know we're happy they're back in the game

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