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There are new FAQs for almost every army that are out now on the Games Workshop page. We knew one was coming, however this one very much touches almost ever codex and rulesgbook. I have not yet had the time to read through them all, but here are a few.

First of all, the link
Games Workshop 40k FAQs

Even Fantasy was updated, here is the link
Warhammer Fantasy FAQs

Main Rulebook

Q: When making a Shooting attack against a unit, can Wounds
from the Wound Pool be allocated to models that were not within
range any of the shooting models when To Hit rolls were made (i.e.
half the targeted model are in the shooting models’ range, and half
are not)? (p15)
A: No.

Q: When making a Shooting attack against a unit, can Wounds
from the Wound Pool be allocated to models that were not within
range any of the shooting models when To Hit rolls were made (i.e.
half the targeted model are in the shooting models’ range, and half
are not)? (p15)

Chaos Daemons
Q: Do models nominated as Plague Zombies from Codex: Chaos Space
Marines count as followers of Nurgle for the purposes of Epidemius’
Tally of Pestilence? (p52)
A: No.

Gey Knights
Page 37 – Stormraven Gunships, Transport.
Change the first two paragraphs to “The Stormraven can carry
two separate units: one unit of up to 12 models in its cabin,
plus a single Dreadnought in its rear grapples. If a Zooming
Stormraven is Wrecked or Explodes!, the Dreadnought suffers
a Strength 10 hit on its rear armour; if the Stormraven is
Hovering, the hit is Strength 4 instead.

Dark Angels
Page 102 – Assault Squad, options.
Change the final bullet point to:
“• The entire squad may remove their jump packs, changing
their unit type to Infantry. They may then have a Drop Pod or
Rhino as a Dedicated Transport for free (p100)”.

Chaos Space Marines

Page 99 – Noise Marines, Options.
Change the third bullet point to “One Noise Marine may
replace his boltgun with a blastmaster at 30 pts/model. If the
squad numbers ten or more models, an additional Noise
Marine may replace his boltgun with a blastmaster at 30

Q: How do I determine the Arc of Sight for a Heldrake’s ranged
weapon? (p52)
A: Treat the Heldrake’s ranged weapon as a Turret Mounted
Weapon, measuring all ranges from the edge of the Heldrake’s
base nearest to the target unit

Dark Eldar

Q: When allocating Wounds caused by a unit of Reaver Jetbikes
making a bladevanes, cluster caltrops and / or grav-talon attack, from
which direction is the attack considered to have originated? (p29)
A: Allocate hits from these using Random Allocation

There is much much more. I will try and get to some of the more interesting ones later.

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