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Since I am just now getting settled again, it is time to analyze the blog layout and formats. I will be doing this over the next month. I am very happy with the  current layout, but that doesn't mean there isn't always room for improvements.

The blog here has gone from nothing early on, like 50 page views the first month, to now about 140 thousand. So the blog has grown in scale and size from its original start. I still love talking Warhammer in almost any form that does not degenerate into a drama queen session. So its time to expand the blog a little bit, and explore some new options.

The first and foremost thing that will change, is I am going to attempt to post up a weekly Tactics post on Fridays. There are just so many different tactics, and some will be very generic list building to very defined unit specific tactics. Eldaraddict put in the suggestion that I make tactics an easier thing to find on the site, and I will do this as well.

While site layout for 40k tactics will be added in on a "as soon as I get it figured out" basis, I will be posting a new series called "Words of Faeit". This will be tactics posts every Friday. I had intended on posting the first of these yesterday, however I pulled it before it went live. Quality and intent was strong enough.

Other things like the Faeit 212 BlogExchange will be started up again in Ernest. I miss reading new blogs, and I have not been posting new information on the exchange, but will start doing so again on Mondays.

Other comments or suggestions are always welcome here, however the Queens need not apply. So if you have something you would like to see, or see differently please speak up.
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