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It's so nice to be back. While I enjoy being away, there is nothing that tops getting back home. A lot occurred while I was gone, or it at least felt like it did. Two weeks and I feel like I was out of touch for a lifetime. I guess that happens with out having Internet access for two weeks.

This past week we had lots of nice rumors, including last nights new Necron Flyer, a lot of 6th edition stuff including the inclusion of a possible new race- the Hrud, and a reminder that Sisters may still be getting their full codex support.

Presence of Faeit is a weekly editorial by myself. I generally report during the week what is going on, and today is my day to comment on what exactly it is that I am thinking of.

Necron Heavy Support Choice
Well this one came in late last night. Yes I was up at all hours at a wedding reception, but somehow managed to get this one in. I am excited to see new ideas flowing for the Necrons. At the moment they have an excellent backstory, but really need to be expanded upon.

I also tend to find these rumors pretty reliable, as badtaste's (and notice his less on drama approach?, I like it) record with the grey knights/dark eldar was pretty strong. Necrons will change the tabletop, and I for one am looking forward to it. I am not going to expand upon this, since the post just came out late last night. So if you have not read it, check it out.

The Hrud
Now while this rumor comes from someone that gives out pretty well on the rumor mill, there was also a counter post that claimed without naming him, ghost21 to be a leak thats being fed a bunch of BS. I did not post this counter rumor, because it is more likely a person that is just trying to discredit Ghost21 without trying to take a fall himself. A personal issue with him, or whatever, the counter post stinks of a secret drama queen, so I stay clear. If you want to read it, I wont even link, but you can find it on warseer in the Hrud or 6th edition forum sets (I don't remember which).

Now, this does not mean that the Hrud are valid in my mind. I think it was more likely a design room discussion on new possible armies for 40k, that the Hrud were mentioned and talked about. Then that discussion went to some outside the room talk to kind of see what a couple other people thought about it, or was released to us, to get threads and discussion going. This to me seems the most logical and probable location of where the Hrud are. I am in the boat that they are highly unlikely, although some new race is coming, so perhaps they will or have already made the cut.

6th Edition
These rumors are fantastic. While I love the idea of getting rid of the dice to go first, I have a little hesitation on full on strategems. I want to see the game still progress at a quick pace, or you just give people too many excuses to not get the game going. Its kind of like playing chess without a timer. Great if you are new or playing casual, but come on, in a tourny get your game on and move it. No excuse to not be able to get a 2500pt game done in 2.5 hours.

Did I mention Legions of Chaos? Ha, now this I am hoping it the codex we have all been waiting for. Legion specific rules would be something to die for. Can we say finally..... Very excited about the mentioning of this.

Flyers... I haven't paid that much attention to the details in early rumors on how they will utilize this, but it also has me very excited. Flyers is something I want brought into the game with manageable rules (of course), but this has me drooling just as much as the Legion of Chaos rumors.

I will not go into anything else on 6th edition, I wont even privately think about how it will effect my armies or my game until things get a little closer. There is a lot more going on that waste time on something like that. Which brings me to the next topic, Ard boyz

Ard Boyz
A month away, means its time for me to be getting ready for this years coming battle. Do I already have a list? Yes. No one knows what it is yet, and I have no intentions of releasing it until I get knocked out again in the semi-finals ( my yearly issue is forgetting how to play my own army at semi's). I will be taking it one step at a time though, as competition around here is much stronger than it used to be, and the preliminaries will be a tough one.

It is time though for me to wrap up some models I will be needing. Yes, that means you really don't know the list I am bringing for those of you that are local and play me quite a bit. Even though finished models are not required, they are for me and my own standard. I will be preparing over the next few weeks to get the models complete and painted.

Side note, vacation was fun. I did get down to the local GW store, but it was so quiet, there was a blackshirt and good friend of his eating lunch and that was it. It was a little too quiet. I looked over some models, checked out the display case, and that was about it. The store is literally a closet in size, and I am amazed they claim they can run events there. I saw their event board, and if anyone that actually goes there can speak up or comment, I would like to know how they fit anyone in that store to play.

My trip to the mall though also included the following pics, so it was a ton of fun. Yes, for those of you that don't know, West Edmonton Mall is one of the largest in the world and has 3-4 large roller coasters in its theme park called Galaxyland, and a massive water park with more water slides than I was able to count. Other things there include a submarine, a sea lion show, a pirate ship and too many other things to count or mention. One of the rides there hits 3g's as it throws you up, and drops you back down. Your face literally gets pulled down in some amusing photo ops. The roller coaster in the pic, is great fun and amazingly fast. Notice the walkway entrance to the mall that goes through one of the roller coaster loops.

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