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Last week there was a lot of additions added to the BlogExchange here. This week is no different.

It really is a simple idea that came out of a dark time, when we all thought Ron of From the Warp Network was leaving the blogging community. Going with two ideas, "there are a lot of 40k blogs out there that could be lost" and "everyone has something you learn from" the Faeit212 BlogExchange was born. Its simple, place this site on your blog roll, and I will add you to mine. Then Each week I do a spotlight on warhammer related blogs that request to be here.

I meant to post this earlier this morning, however, I got caught up reading on a couple of these sites before I realized I was not done with the post. Small delay, however great blogs to check out.
Today we have five additions to check out. Please browse through them and take a look.

Cupboard of Nurgle
by O'Shashar and Mighty Simo

The 40k Project
by Dalinair

Another Blackwood Endeavor
(Blackwood Blogging)
by BlackBeardFreelance and Casey

BDS 40k
by BDS

Miniature Miscellany
by Andrew King

If you want to Join the Faeit212 BlogExchange, here is your information
There are literally thousands of Warhammer blogs out there. The blog-o-sphere can be hard to sift through, so that is where the Faeit 212 BlogExchange comes in. Get a blog roll going, I will add you to mine and vise versa. All blogs start with no one checking on them. This is the heart of the Exchange.

The Faeit 212 BlogExchange is located at the top right of this blog, and will update you with the latest from blogs on the Exchange. Also note that there are blogs here that I have added myself, that are good reading.

The search box at the bottom of the Exchange is set up to search all the blogs listed on the exchange. Type in your subject, and you should be able find what you want. Being able to search all the listed blogs for a single subject should really be a great aid for readers looking that hard to find subject.

I also do a BlogExchange spotlight for blogs that send me in a brief description with a link. If you want a pic included, either point it out to me, or include it. In general all blogexchange additions are handled on Mondays, so that is the day to expect mention and the day to expect to be noticed
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