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A new super fast Heavy Support Vehicle for you Necrons coming this fall. This one has it all, flys 12" and unleashes all its weapons, comes with a S10 AP1 weapon, and tears apart anyone who dares get caught out in the open. Although it comes with Armor 11 on all sides, other rumors support Necrons coming with some sort of shielding that gives +2 Armour Value until a damage result is rolled. Not sure if this one comes with the shielding, but this ones looking hot.

Please note that there are no pics of this flyer as of yet, and the sketches above are very old concept sketches from GW.

As any rumor, please take with salt

Coming to us via badtaste on BoK
Like a Rhino on all sides, this vehicles is ready for even the most trying of circumstances. Made of the same material as the big pyramid, this bird can still move as fast as a razorwing! It’s two weapons make for a quick delivery of damage as it swoops down on the fleshy fleshy prey. While the main gun may be limited to pistol ranges, it more than makes it up for in oomph, rocking it at maximum strength and allowing none of those pesky armor saves (a big help against enemy vehicles too!).

But wait… there is more! Act now and you’ll also be able to fire all your weapons while cruising around the battlefield. All your weapons? Yes! Even the troop crushing destruct-o-magics! Once you’re taking fire from bolters, these would make even Edison blush, as they give autocannons are run for their money, even if they can’t even break an Orks leather. With a rate of fire comparable to the assault cannon, these weapons can hit multiple units, ruining all those multiple small units days.

So act now, and you too can make a parking lot look like a junkyard!
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