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There has been a lot of conflicting information going on with Necron rumors out in the rumor mill. So much I had been avoiding putting up any compilations on them. However, I was talking to a buddy of mine, and I really could not recall anything except scarabs. I was truly pathetic. So it was time for me to sit down and locate a good compilation, and this is it.

Remember that these are only rumors, so please take with a grain of salt.
compilation via MadCowCrazy
Release Date: November

Author :
Mat Ward for the bulk of the codex, but two others were involved before him.

Release Schedule
Wave 1: Immortals, Tomb Spiders, Destroyers (parts are new), Necromancer (Rumoured MC?)

Wave 2: Wraiths, Repackaged Warriors (now 10 with extra coloured rods), whatever else.

6 new Vehicles in the army

Will Be Back

All units in the army can not benefit from it

WBB is now 5+

Only negated if the unit is wiped out or falls back

Will be back is redone (Feel no Pain now)

WBB is basically FNP for most guys. Not FNP exactly

Rez Orb boosts WBB to a 4+ but only for unit with wielder (upgrade for Crypteks?)

Ever-Living: Unit can make 5+ WBB even if whiled out

Many Psychic Powers listed as "Tech Upgrades"

Phase out is reworked

Complicated rules from the codex are getting simplified and a lot of the war gear options are vanishing

Some but not all gauss weapons are rending.

Living metal is changing

Necrons will have their magic power guy, tech upgrades instead of psychic powers most likely

Veil of Darkness: no longer allows a unit to be pulled out of combat, except in the case of the Veil carried by one of the named Lords

Quantum Shielding: Gives open topped skimmers 2+ save for front & side armour until vehicle takes it's first glance/pen

Heat Ray: Melta or Flamer depending on which is needed.
Gauss: Glance on to hit rolls of 6
Gauss Cannon: Assault 2 S6 AP3.
Gauss Flux Arc: Each Arc fires separately and can hit four different targets.
Tesla: Causes 2 more hits on to hit rolls of 6
Tesla Heavy Cannon: Chance of hitting all other units close to the target; both friend and foe.
Doomsday Cannon: 72" S9 AP1 Heavy1 Large Blast.

Named Lords
The Enfleshed - making Flayed Ones Troops Said to be 100% confirmed
The Undying - making Immortals Troops
The Silent King ?
The Voidbringer ?
The Stormcaller ?

C’tan are gone, and are replaced with powerful named Necron lords and special characters.
One of the Lords makes Immortals troops
Another Special Character has some really nice anti psyker abilities
While the Ctan are themselves out of the codex their influence is still in place.
One of the lords was like 240 points or somewhere around there. He looks like he has potential to be beastly in CC though.
A lord that makes flayed ones troops

Similar to Haemonculi?
Can take Veil of Darkness

Overhaul into Lord retinue (second wave)

Cost: 12pts
Statline: 4/4/4/4/1/2/1/10/4+
Will come 10 to a box
New options and also other colors of rod (orange and red I think? Orange is not bright orange, but sort of dark, kinda like a beer color almost)
Warriors are not changing, but doesn't preclude a new weapon/option sprue.
Otherwise look the same.

Cost: 17pts
Statline: 4/4/4/4/1/2/1/10/3+
Redone, in plastic? Unsure of the material.
Lots of "Bling"
Bigger than old ones
One of the Special Character ‘Cron lords makes them troops
Will come in boxes of 5, can be in units of up to 10.
Large (35mm) base; they are redesigned as larger, bulkier and more dynamic (plastic kit)

Elites, 6 Choices
Monstrous Creature
Can take 1 per Elite slot
Good in CC
Can purchase a bunch of different abilities: in line with things like messing with Deep Striking enemy units, making enemies move through terrain differently, allowing Necron player to change some of his deployment.

Can take item that erodes armour

Flayed Ones
Statline: 4/4/4/4/1/2/3/10/4+
Redone, unsure of the material.


Lyche Guard
S5 T5 3+
Can take Warscythe
New unit 2
Sniper style unit
Deep Strike as normal or can choose to immediately Deep Strike after the opponent brings an enemy unit on from Reserves
Can nominate a unit to take additional damage

New unit 3
S5 T5 3+
Jump Infantry
Very close range shooting and some decent CC ability

Fast Attack, 4 Choices
Rules: Fearless
Are "harsh" now
Jump Infantry 18" charge

Scarab Swarms
Rules: Fearless
Move like Beasts
Ability to erode enemy armour in CC, any non-vehicle unit they wound, but dont kill, has its armour save turned to a dash (i.e. nothing) for the rest of the game.

If they hit a vehicle, on 4+ the vehicle loses a point of armour value on ALL facings, if any facing is reduced to zero the vehicle is destroyed (not sure if for each reduce armour value or only once per unit per phase)

-See heavy for combined rumours

Tomb Blades (jetbikes)
This rumour might be for the Elite jump infantry?

New fast attack unit
Look kinda like flayed ones
They have an 18” charge with their special ability
Think jump infantry with special rules
5 per box

Heavy Support
Remain expensive

Destroyers/Heavy Destroyers
Redone in plastic.
Like the old hybrid kits, but in plastic with fancier torso’s.
The skimmer body things don’t look much changed.
Option for a lawn mower (lown mower as in a gun that has alot of shots, to mow throw hordes) type weapon too if you want to deal with hordes, 1 per box.

Tomb spider
Rules: Fearless
3 different builds
Will have several options and be able to fulfil a variety of roles in the army.
Spyders redone in plastic.
1 per box.

New MC/Vehicle
Can throw down some long range hurt but is still underwhelming compared to things like the Manticore 48” range
1 per box

Resurrection (the vehicle that can add models back into the unit is also able to use this ability on any unit = Ability for this unit?)
Gauss "something"
Plastic kit

Sky Barge/Chariot
Plastic kit

Fast Skimmer
Armor 11-11-10
Living metal
36" move
two kinds of weapons
Strength 10 AP 1 12 inch range
Strenth 7 AP -, can hit multiple targets

New giant MC
Ranged or Melee options
Wraith Lord feel all around
One of the guns looks similar to the new gun the destroyer guys are getting which works well against hordes.
He has a lot of weapon options
1 per box.

New Blisters:
New metal lord on foot
Has a staff
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