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Apparently I missed something this week on my return from vacation. It wasn't until late last night when I was doing some casual online reading that I noticed it. Forgeworld released a beautiful Dark Eldar version of the Ravager, the Reaper. Not only is it a very cool looking vehicle, but its experimental rules come with a gun that in all reality should of made it into the codex.

While this was put up for pre-order a couple weeks ago, while I was on vacation, I thought it was a nice enough model to do a quick catch up post on it. Its rules can be found here, and if you haven't read them, check them out.

That Storm Vortex Projector is everything you have always wanted your Ravager to be. S7 AP3, Haywire d3, with instant death on a to wound roll of a 6. It also has a 5" blast effect to show off its duality. It is already available from Forgeworld.
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