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Many people are concerned when it comes to a new edition coming so soon. After all, 5th is excellent, the rules are done very well, and for the most part we are not seeing any huge major shifts in the new edition.

Instead what it looks like is a bunch of fixes, some new additions, and some details. Basically 6th edition so far does not appear to be the 5.5 that we at first expected, but instead it is 5th edition on steroids, now called 6th..

6th Edition will be the compilation of all that GW thinks has worked well over the last few decades of tabletop gaming. It will have a basic (learn the game) version, and the more complex advanced set of rules. This is perfect in my eyes. Help new players really learn the game, and then lets get down to the fun.

Here is the rumor via Ghost21. He was answering a question in the forums whether or not Monolith's will get different colored crystals. (your not, but paint works). Please remember the salt.

via ghost21
Regarding the multi-coloured rods rumour... Does this mean that they are redoing the monoliths prisms/gate in 3 different colours???

no there not sorry (at this time anyway)

the 6th ed will last a long time much longer than previous editions (about the same time as 2nd ed) have a cool few expansion packs (n no im not saying what) 
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