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I wanted to chime in this evening, now that some life has come back to me about the balance, advantages and problems I have had lately playing against and with the Resistance. Before I started down the path of getting sick, 4 games over two weeks with the following match ups occurred.

UCM vs Allied Resistance
Allied Resistance vs Feral Resistance
and then two games of 
PHR vs Allied Resistance

So yea, thats four games geared towards getting the most out of the Resistance. I have now with the two games against the PHR, been involved in games with every other faction. Just because I know you are dying to know the above results....... The UCM beat the Resistance in game one, Allied over Feral in Game 2, and the PHR split 1 and 1. 

What this has really proven to me is that 1, the Resistance is very well balanced with the other factions, that Artillery whether you like it or not, has become essential in a tournament environment. Artillery kill freeriders fast.

Freeriders have been the topic of this site several times before, and I want to again mention that freeriders, once in the game..... (make sure you take two drills if you go subterrainean), can dominate much more than their points account for. That does not mean they dont have weakness's. After all in the game with against the UCM, every single bike was killed the very first shots of the game. Artillery blasts of any size are just that deadly to them. Longbows for the win. 

In the last PHR game however, the dice gods decided that round 4 was the only time my drill could come in. With all those 1s rolled, imagine my surprise when I scattered 7 inches to sit within deaths door of a PHR Hades. Those bikes never made it into the game, but I punished the Hades terribly for it.

In the other game vs the PHR, no matter how many machine guns they had, round after round, the bikes tore through a squad of 6 type 2 walkers. Even against the entirety of the PHR gunline, not a single base of bikes was removed off the table. 

Now, I am not going to stand up and say wow, bikes are the best. They are very strong when you can get them into the enemy, and templates are what you have to watch for. However, when teamed up with Veterans in Battle Buses? that is a deadly combination. In fact it was the Veterans hitting that killed the Hades. Them again in doing the most damage to the 6 Type 2's that were removed from the game in a 2 rounds of play. (not the first two obviously). 

This is the Occupational Veteran layout that I was using in a couple of those games with amazing results. 

What is amazing about this formation is that the overcharged plasma rifles have such a great range 18", with a MF of 6" on the Battle Buses. If you pull it off well enough, you move your hovercraft 5", disembark from the hovercraft in your buses at 6", fire 18". If you did this well, and did it as your last action in the round, the following round activate your veterans first, fire, and then get back into your Hovercraft, and move behind a building before return fire even occurs.

Nothing can be worse for your opponent, when all that is left in the firefight are shooting down the bikes, which require 6s to hit.

Now I want to talk about killing bikes....... As I have seen this game after game, from myself included. If you play DzC often, your have become efficient at trying to maximize your targets between machine gun and heavy weapon on your tanks and units. So when facing down bikes, they point the machine guns at the bikes (armor 3), and the big guns elsewhere. 

You can only do one wound no matter what to a bike base at a time, but please turn your big guns on them as well. The reason being, its going to often be a 6 to them or a 5 at best. If you are shooting an E3 machine gun at them, you then need to roll an additional 5 to do any damage. You need to make sure these guys do not get into you, so fire it all at them. Wounding on a 2+ even for only one damage point goes a long ways in getting rid of bikes faster. 
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