I still here this complaint every once in awhile. Finecast models having issues with bubbles. While my experience thus far with finecast has been great, a bad bubble on the model can be devastating.

Apparently there is an email that was sent out to GW stores regarding finecast model issues. Personally it should be an email sent out to all retailers that carry their product line.

Here is the letter.

via The Decapitator
So Games Workshop have sent an email around to all of their stores notifying them that;

".....there has been a higher number of the new Citadel Finecast miniatures due to be released that have a bubble in a vital point or have cast thinner than they should have done."

It goes on to say, especially in relation to Finecast models in boxes as opposed to Clampacks;

"Can you check these models with your customers as you sell them to ensure they are happy with their purchase and offer modelling tips for cleaning up flash/mould lines and filling bubbles. If any of the products are not to the customers satisfaction, please give them a new one as usual."

So, in theory, if you are picking up any of the new Finecast models this weekend then the GW employee should ask you if you want to open the box/clampack before you pay to check for defects. Bit if they don't, make sure you tell them that you want to do this as a precaution!

To be fair, I've never had a problem with any GW's letting me check models before I buy them, or replacing them if it's a problem not picked up until later. But if you are ever buying Finecast, and this weekend in particular, make sure you open your boxes ASAP to inspect them as to not create disappointment.
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