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Hi all
Me and the boys (techmarines) Have been having fun 3d printing, I have a FDM printer and just got a resin one to play with as well.

The FDM is a good reliable machine and keeps surprising me but lacks the detail for mins so I have gotten the resin printer for printing parts to convert my mins.

What I have found with 3d printing is it is fun but slow, and knowing then to use supports for either type are vital to get a good end product.

Also with the FDM slicer program you can combine files like I did with the bunker, not sure how that works with my resin printer slicer yet mind you.

Will 3d printing replace going to the shop to get your mins...... no, I don't think so for the moment, but it dose give the option to make amazing things. 3D printing has come a long way and I look forward to seeing what they come up with next.


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