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Updated with Canadian dollars and with the image above to verify the prices in USD

OK, a little savings it seems for the Combat Patrols, but still quite a high entry level costs for a new army. Those outriders though? Was not expecting them at $60!

Also really starting to get worried with a $30 codex supplement after paying $50 for the Space Marine codex. This is a please don't do supplements time and give us a full codex at $50. 

USD Prices

Outriders: 60
Ghaz: 65
Ragnar: 40
Combat Patrol: Space Wolves: 140
Combat Patrol: Deathwatch: 140
Hounds of Morkai: 45
Codex Supplement: Space Wolves: 30
Codex Supplement: Deathwatch: 30
Datacards: Space Wolves: 15
Datacards: Deathwatch: 15
Citadel Painting Handle (Mk2): 12.50
Space Wolves Dice Set: 35
Deathwatch Dice Set: 35

via Axineton on Bolter and Chainsword

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