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Aeronautica Imperialis Mega Bommer and Bonegrinders joining the Sons of Behemat are up today from Forgeworld.

via Forgeworld on WarCom

Is your Air Waaagh! missing something? Does it feel like it could use a bit more… dakka? Forge World has just the thing for you this week. And if you’re after the Bonegrinder Gargant’s updated warscroll, you’re in the right place.

In their never-ending quest to outdo their peers, some Big Meks have created aircraft that seem almost impossibly huge. But thanks to Orks’ disregard for anything so pedestrian as physics, these flying behemoths can take off and fly due to their excessively powerful engines.

The Mega Bommer is the pinnacle of the art of Orkish aeronautical engineering – and the final word on destruction, obliterating ground targets through sheer brute force and explosive power.

If the truly impressive Mega Bomb was the only thing the Mega Bommer had going for it, it would still be great. If you didn’t get the memo – this thing is basically a nuke with Firepower 10(!), causing Extra Damage on a 4 or better. A ground target would have to be extremely lucky to withstand that.

If the enemy is foolish enough to try swarming it, they’ll find themselves facing a full flak cannon on top of the other shootas and turrets. And naturally, with wings of that size, you can take a full arsenal of big bombs and rokkits “just to be sure”.

Every self-respecting Ork Air Waaagh! is going to want one of these, and starting today you can secure one for yourself.

If you like destruction, the Mortal Realms has something for you today as well…

Bonegrinders Have Joined the Sons of Behemat

The mighty Sons of Behemat have arrived with their own battletome and Mega-Gargant kits. The Studio didn’t want the Bonegrinder Gargant to feel left out, so they’ve updated his warscroll to help him join the party!

FWReleases Oct16 Image4n

Still dizzyingly tall, but a bit rangier than Mega-Gargants, these beasts will add tactical options to your Sons of Behemat army. Check out the new warscroll right here.

While you’re pre-ordering a Mega Bommer for your Ork Air Waaagh!

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