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Here it is! Take a look at what lies ahead. hmmm Unless one of those is Dark Angels I just don't know. However what it does mean is two codex releases per month!!!!

btw this is what has been officially said about those two codexes in early 2021
Dark Angels fans won’t have to wait much longer – your codex supplement will be on its way early next year, along with the first xenos codex of 2021.

via WarCom

The expert xenos-hunters of the Deathwatch arrive hot on the heels of the Necrons next month, while the Wolves of Fenris are also unleashed. Sanguinala* sees Grandfather Nurgle bless us with the gift of a new codex for the Death Guard, while early next year we’ll see another xenos race rise up to put those Space Marines in their place.** Each of these codexes will be packed with the latest ways to play your favourite faction, including in-depth Crusade rules so you can watch your force grow from a skirmish-sized patrol into a planet-conquering army. All of these codexes and expansions will also feature a code, to unlock extra content in your Warhammer 40,000 App.

As you can see, we’re releasing these new codexes at quite some pace! So if your favourite army isn’t mentioned above, don’t worry, you won’t have long to wait until you get your incredible new codex. This is set to be an exciting time for fans of every faction in the 41st Millennium.

There’s a lot coming up for Warhammer 40,000 – make sure that you’re signed up to our newsletter so you don’t miss any of it. 

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