Warscrolls for both the new Warbands that are coming this weekend.
With Warcry’s newest warbands, the Khainite Shadowstalkers and Scions of the Flame, up for pre-order this weekend in the Warcry: Catacombs core set, we thought we’d investigate how they’ll get on in the larger battles of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Conveniently, the rules boffins over in the design studio have written warscrolls for both warbands, which you’ll be able to download when the set launches. Let’s take a look!
Khainite Shadowstalkers
As hand-picked agents of Morathi, the Khainite Shadowstalkers will find a natural home among their aelven kin, the Daughters of Khaine. Let’s check out their warscroll and see what they have to offer.
The Shadow Leap ability ensures that the Khainite Shadowstalkers can get to wherever they’re needed at a moment’s notice – an enormous advantage if you’re aiming to contest a distant objective or assassinate an isolated Hero. Once in position, they can bring the pain, both at range with their cursed missiles (which also inflict mortal wounds on an unmodified roll of 6) and in melee, with the Shroud Queen in particular hitting really hard.
Another trick up their shadowy sleeves is that, even if the Khainite Shadowstalkers Shadow Leap among the enemy lines, their Harness Shadow ability will help them to survive once there. This enables you to play them aggressively, safe in the knowledge that they’re far from the easiest target to eliminate – and even should they fall, they can be a useful distraction which frees up your Daughters of Khaine to slaughter your opponent’s forces!
Scions of the Flame
As one of the Eightpoints’ many warbands of Chaos, fighting for the glory of the Dark Gods and vying for the favour of Archaon Everchosen, the Scions of the Flame make for a thematic addition to any Slaves to Darkness army. Let’s have a look at their warscroll and see what their fiery presence will bring to the battlefield.
The Scions of the Flame add another string to your bow (make that fuse to your Flameburst Pot) in the form of missile weapons – something of a novelty among the Slaves to Darkness! They make for an excellent close-support unit with which to follow your dedicated melee units. Position them behind your front lines and make it rain Flameburst Pots upon your enemies while your murderous Chaos Warriors chop their smouldering remains to pieces!
If you’re eager to add the new warbands to your Warhammer Age of Sigmar collections, you won’t have long to wait – the Warcry: Catacombs core set that includes them both is up for pre-order on Saturday!