This ambitious kickstarter is already past its funding and provides a tremendous amount of material for your games from the crew at Cast N Play.
via the Cast n Play Kickstarter
$52,681 pledged of $1,999 goal
637 backers
30 days to go

All files come pre-supported and tested. Houses come pre-supported for FDM printers and Titans for Resin and SLA printers.
LOCKED: ALL BUILDINGS Cut and Pre-Supported for Resin Printers *See Stretch Goals

Use the Pledge Calculator to you know which Add-Ons you need. It's as easy as editing your pledge to the new total once you're done.
That amount will be available for you to redeem all your rewards in the pledge manager, once it goes live after the campaign is over.

*ALL-IN Backers will get Everything Unlocked with Stretch Goals on top of their initial rewards