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Could the Black Templar be getting a supplement? Not so certain on that front but it does look like Primaris Helbrect is coming! Good things to come.

Rumor via Chapter Master Valrak on Bolter and Chainsword

Anyway, was contacted and told that Primaris Helbrect is coming, the contact told me he had seen the model, he's got like one foot standing on a rock IRC.
I personally see this as them getting a supplement.
Anyway, make of it as you will.

Time Frame?

Not certain, the whispers are April but nothing confirmed.

via Ishagu

I recently heard whisperings of a BT release but to be honest I didn't believe them, and when I used to post stuff on the forum I was crucified if it didn't come true, or almost as bad - took too long to come true lol.

Anyways, I'm hoping this is the case. A new supplement seems to have been indirectly confirmed by GW themselves as part of the FAQ documents.

BT have the potential to be one of the most visually recognisable Primaris armies. An upgraded Helbrecht surrounded by Assault Intercessors and Bladeguard, disembarking from a Repulsor. The theme of the classic BT can be continued.

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