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A new website, new trailer, and new book coming to the Age of Sigmar. Something is afoot! Find out more now

A new era is coming to the Age of Sigmar. The Soul Wars rage on, forbidden powers have been unleashed, and every faction is taking advantage of the upheaval to make power moves and jockey for position. You can get involved in the action with the new Broken Realms website, a cool trailer, and free fiction! Read on to find out more.

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This is an exciting moment for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, with lore that pushes the storyline forward, updated rules, and plenty of new models on the horizon. Every major faction will be getting some attention. Today, we’re going to break down some of the awesome stuff you can look forward to with the first instalment – Broken Realms: Morathi.

The Opening Play

Morathi has big plans. She’s never been shy about that. But now… 

The time has come for one of the most powerful leaders of Order to make her move, setting in motion a series of events that will ripple throughout the realms. Morathi is making her long-planned play in the first Broken Realms book, appropriately named ‘Morathi’. This essential tome is packed with lore, including some seismic changes that will alter the state of the Mortal Realms forever. Alongside this are narrative battleplans and a host of rules for the Daughters of Khaine – including new warscrolls for Morathi herself – and their victims… sorry, opponents.

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Time will tell how these developments will impact the key players, but one thing’s certain – it’s going to be epic.

Check Out the New Website

Head to the website right now and bookmark it for later. 

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You’ll find art, background, and news about the books. We’ll keep it updated as the story unfolds, so keep checking back. 

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