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A New Kickstarter from Agema Miniatures for Etruscans (one of my favorite historical groups). 

To get the latest information on this Kickstarter:

Agema Miniatures Website:

Press Release:


Agema Miniatures ( are launching their first Kickstarter on Tuesday, November 10, 2020. This Kickstarter campaign will help bring an entire range of Etruscan Warriors to the wargaming world. From Class I Nobles and their retainers and soldiers through to the peasant warriors of Class IV and Class V, this range will cover everything you need to put a 3rd-Century BC Etruscan force on the tabletop.

Agema Miniatures is Greg McBride, a man passionate about the armies of the Ancient world. For this project, Greg has secured the sculpting talents of Stavros Zouliatis, the same man responsible for the fantastic Mortal Gods range from Footsore Miniatures & Games. In addition he brings the painting skills of Artmaster Studios and An Extrovert Paints, along with the casting and shipping experience of Footsore Miniatures & Games, who will be handling all the fulfillment for the campaign.

The miniatures are sculpted, the master moulds have been made, and now this Kickstarter campaign will bring the funding to create the production moulds for more than a dozen new packs of brilliant miniatures.

The campaign itself launches with nine packs of metal Etruscan warriors, and two special bundles of plastic sprues with metal heads to fill out your ranks of Etruscans. Agema Miniatures have plenty more planned for the range, including an Etruscan hero on chariot, that will be revealed as stretch goals once the campaign is funded.

A special addition to this campaign is the opportunity to receive a Kickstarter Exclusive Etruscan Officer FREE for backers supporting the campaign in the first 48 hours!

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