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Anvil Digital Forge: There are a great number or really great Patreons that you can sign up for to get your miniature STL files for a great price and really support the artists that are putting them out. Lets take a look at another of my favorites, Anvil Digital Forge.

Anvil Industry created the Digital Forge earlier this year making all their files mostly compatible and easy to cross over with any of their regimental sets they have on their online store. This essentially makes it possible to create and customize your infantry almost endlessly with the styles and options available in their store and from their Patreon. If you are looking to make infantry truly unique or looking for bits to customize further..... This may be your place.

This is the third of a series where we will be looking at each one with an indepth coverage to see really what they are about. 

Since we will be comparing many Patreons I am going to give them a score on my own impressions I have had from being a Patreon of them. This is not something I take lightly, people making these patreon services are real artists and are pushing our industry/hobby in a new direction that is most likely to take over the traditional gaming companies. If your company is not heading in this direction, you may be forced to in the coming years.
All ratings are listed 1-5 with 5 being top scores. Do not expect 5's from me unless something here is over the top crazy good. 4 is excellent. 2.5 will be an average and anything 2.0 or below is a problem

Anvil Digital Forge is the digital side of Anvil Industry creating modular miniatures to customize and create unique infantry. Anvil Industry is out of the London in the UK and has been creating miniatures since 2011. Ive always been attracted to their Infantry Regiments as it allows an extreme amount of customization and seeing that they had a Patreon for 3D printing..... that was all compatable..... what else is there to say. I have been a member now for the past 4 months and have purchased some past releases that were on the Patreon before I signed up in July. 

To see their online store for past releases:

Value 3.5 (Very Good)- Each month Anvil Digital Forge releases a set of miniatures that are modular and in a current theme for the month. The modularity of the miniatures gives you quick print times (the models are not often that tall), and lots of options on how to put them together. On top of the Infantry there are often Ogres in the mix, a couple character/heroes, and terrain pieces like barricades or other types of scatter terrain. 

The Monthly subscription for the Digital Forge is $9/month which is just slightly below the price of other 3D patreons.

Lets talk value. I signed up in July which had a real great Renegade set and at the time they were releasing their files at the end of the month and were going to switch to the beginning of the month in August. This led to two releases right away and although a good release (ive printed some of them) was not a solid theme like the other months. However once September was rolling around and into October the releases are not only on time (at the beginning of the month) I feel the value of each release has done nothing but go up. 

Lets look at the last 3 (4) months of releases just to get a feel for them. 
  • July - Armoured Renegades
  • August - Motorbikes and More
  • September - Modern Post Apocalypse
  • October - Drop Troopers

Armoured Renegades -July

Motorbikes and More- August

Modern Post Apocalypse- September

Drop Troopers - October

In October check out the Drop Pods on the right of the image as well as the Mech. 
Something to look over when you are looking at all these releases is just how much customization you can do. Lots of weapon options, lots of legs, torsos and heads to choose from.

Like others Patreons if you are a member there are discounts to be had for previous months! The current discount is 40% which is substantial and definitely can make up for the cost of the Patreon on any given month. I am not certain the discount is going all the time, but I am imagining if not it will come up again. 

Customer Service 4.0 (Excellent)-- Ive only had one real contact with customer service and that is when I wanted to use my Patreon discount on their online store a second time to purchase additional sets. I wasn't alone in wanting this and it did not take too long for the discount code to be fixed. I believe I submitted the question late on a Friday and by Monday the code was fixed.

I haven't yet had any dealings with customer service and those times I have read others dealing with Titan Forge there has been good results. Everything else has been just quietly taken care of so its really hard to rate their customer service. 

I have also found them to be rather responsive on their comment sections with very little complaints or problems to be fixed. All good news here.

The Sculpts 4.0- (Very Good)- Lets be honest here... Customization, solid cool themes, lots of options, and whoa... that Mech! Yea I can't get over it and the moment I had the files I was printing it. Ive gotten great detail in printing these miniatures.

Female Miniatures. Yep. One of the wonderful things here is that you can print female versions! Smaller Torso, thinner legs etc making them to scale and not over-sexualized. I really love this about the the releases so far. 

Customization: I did print out quite a few of the Modern Post Apocalypse set and spent some time tracking down some shoulder pads from a character model. This worked well and I was quickly on my way to customizing my miniatures on how I wanted my Modern Post Apocalyptic soldiers.

No Bases- The one downside I would have to say is bases. Not that I think every patreon should have monthly bases or that I think Anvil's creative time should go there, but they do not provide bases with their monthly releases like I see in some other Patreons. This means I am looking into other Patreon downloads for bases or using bases I already have. (I don't blame them, bases are a pain to print sometimes).

Extras- Between Mechs and some terrain pieces Ive found that having a few months of a subscription with the Digital Forge gives you lots of extras to print. Ever needed an extra Plasma Gun? Lascannon? Yep this has you covered for a decent price. Again.... that damn Mech. 

What extras did I Pick up from Anvil? Some previous month's releases.

Automata because Robots Rock

Trench Coats and Look at the Terrain Included

Printing 4.0 (Excellent)- Everything from the Digital Forge comes pre-supported (which I love) and Ive not had any real problems with prints related to the sculpts or supports. 

One thing to think about when printing small or tiny pieces (like shoulder pads) is that you may need to increase your exposure time if you see any failed prints. A second or two will make all the difference. 

What is nice is that because everything is modular you can load up the build plate and print quite a few of everything. Very little is going to be tall, so everything prints rather quickly. 

Patreon Tip of the Day: If there is a set of STLs you like from a company on their store, its a good idea to become a Patreon. You get a "Welcome Pack" + the month you subscribe and you get a discount that will make up the cost of the monthly cost getting you quite a few more files. You can always cancel the subscription later. 

Here are a couple of my prints. Great details! I am priming the miniature white to help show off the detail work.

Were you lookin at me!?

The Mech is printed at 120%

Quad Robot

Robot Love until someone gets hurt

Lots of sculpted details front and back

Skynet has nothing on these guys

Scale for Male to Female Soldiers

Lots of Weapon and Equipment Options

Heavy Weapon Options like this Autocannon

Downloading 4.0 (Excellent)- Downloading the files has been easy which are all through While other Patreons have had issues with subscribers getting their files when they go live, the file size for the Digital Forge is not that large and I have not had any problems on the first try getting the files each month. is still where most 3D Printing services are at but many are looking for alternatives to Sync. I think that Anvil's file sizes make up the difference. There is also the part though were someone like Titan Forge or Artisan has 6-7,000 or more Patreons. Anvil Industries will get there, so it remains to be seen as they get more Patreons what will happen.

For Gaming 4.5 (Very Excellent)- We've talked a lot about modularity for Tabletop Wargaming in the past and here Anvil succeeds where many others do not. Releases are cross compatible in many cases and fit with their resin Regiments sets online. Quite crazy what you can build for your infantry. 

What would take Anvil over the top? To be honest Infantry is where we have seen most of Anvil's focus and they shine incredibly there. So when making your army you will need to have other miniatures, whether it be transports, tanks, or just more vehicles. They do have lots of heavy weapons available which is nice, but imagining a future where there are tanks, walkers, or other modular sections for them would be outstanding and take the ratings to a 5.0 with a one-stop army shop.

Getting Older Months Sets you Missed 4.0 (Excellent)- 
Everything is handled here as previous months go up on Anvils store page at a decent pace with discounts appearing for subscribers to the Patreon. Ive picked several sets up myself and have built up quite the library of Stls from Anvil Digital Forge. Once a Patreon you are not going to miss out on anything, even if you want sets that are from the past releases.

Overall 4.0 (Excellent): Anvil Digital Forge sits right up there with the big boys when it comes to who you should be looking at for your Patreon Subscriptions. I high suggest getting into this one if it's only for the bits you might be needing for your armies. I am hoping that they get into some Powered Armor releases as well and that would really round out what is coming out month to month. 

Will I be keeping my Anvil Digital Forge Patreon past the 3 months test period for this review. Well if purchasing past releases is any indicator then yes I will. Especially if we keep seeing creative releases like the Mech tied to these releases. More of this please. 

This side of our industry is young and in the middle of a renaissance. I find it surprising that their subscribers are not yet exploding in number, but I think its because Warhammer 40k players are often more traditional in their miniatures. The hobby is changing and Anvil Digital Forge is here in the forefront. 

Side Note on ratings.... I have been so far reviewing some of my favorites Patreons. So a lot of the ratings have been dead excellent. We will be moving through other Patreons that rate lower over all and yes.... even one that rates higher. It takes me three months of being a part of the Patreon to really get a feel for each company, so these will continue to come out sporatically.

Additional Information for you 3D Printers Out There

Additional Reviews from this series

Specs and background: I have a Anycubic Resin Photon S 3d printer and a Wash/Cure Machine. Using Anycubic Grey resin with an 10 second normal exposure and 15 bottom layers (to be on the safe side for heavier prints) with a 90 second exposure. (I keep altering the bottom layer exposure to reduce it, but some heavier prints are requiring it.)

I am making certain I have 3 months of a Patreon before reviewing (at least for the bigger ones).

I have only had my printer since July of 2020 and have been a printing madman since I got it printing miniatures, tanks, heavy weapons, monsters etc. There are more 3D printing articles onsite, do a search for 3D printing on the site for other articles related to 3D Printing.

Currently working on other Patreon reviews for Makers Cult, Artisan Guild, Anvil Digital Forge, and Cyber Forge which are all in the works. Rotating them in and out to build up a library and get a solid structure for comparison for doing reviews.

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