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I hope you will take a few moments to check this artwork out. This is more of a combined piece, but our artist for the game (Manthos Lappas) is second to none. What we did is combine the cover artwork from all three books into a timeline appearance for all three ages of gameplay. The images we have for this are high enough res for posters, banners, etc. 

Taking a closer look you can see the timeline battlefields along the bottom of the image for each age of gameplay.

Each figure is on the cover of each of our books and is a character divided to show off the customization and creation you get when you make your factions. In The Genesys Project you can use premade factions or create your own to fit your playstyle, existing miniatures, or your own creation.

The Genesys Project launches its upcoming Kickstarter campaign for the 2nd and 3rd Ages next month. I think the artwork is shows just how much is in this game and what you can do with it. 

I hope you enjoy this artwork as much as I do. 

Follow us on Facebook and on the Genesys Games website and look for lots more fun previews and fun items. We go live in November!

Don't forget to check out Manthos Lappas over on his artstation site as well. So talented.
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