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A new xenos race would be nice for Warhammer 40k. This rumor places them coming in January which to me is the first strike against this. 

Please give this whole line of rumors a lot of salt please. This is a rumored bit I would prefer to leave alone, so unless we get something a lot more substantial, this should be considered far fetched.

I was watching the Long War live and they mentioned that they had received a rumour from a source that took great lengths to remain anonymous.

Anyways.. The word is that an entirely new Xenos race is coming to 40k.
They are called the Anerith or something similar, and are apparently connected to one of the unknown Xenos species on that unique artwork in the latest rulebook.

The lore is that the race has been targeted by the Tyranids because the Hivemind wants their unique ability to be absorbed. The ability in question is time manipulation - being able to rewind time or move forwards.

Just a few extras I wasn't specific on in the original post:
-apparently the model range will set a new standard for 40k models, in the way that some of the new AoS factions have been so incredible, visually.

-the time manipulation does sound like it's very limited - only minutes or seconds. What I imagine on the tabletop is undoing a movement, or changing position out of turn - things like that?

I agree with all points of view so far in response. Yes, some factions definitely need many of their models to be updated. At the same time a whole new faction will create buzz, hype and excitement because it's such an unknown quantity.

The supposed race, Amanita Horrificus, is aligned with the Eldar to prevent the Tyrannids from achieving their ultimate goal. The rumor is that they are sentient fungus-like creatures, and the name supports the theory.

Here is some info from Spikey Bits talking about it. The Long Lore live podcast includes Spikey Bits so this rumor originates over there.

Ive included some of this from over on Spikey Bits, but since I don't go over there I will let you go check out their original article if you like.

via Spikey Bits
Rumored New 40k Xenos Race Background
According to an anonymous source:

The new race is the Amanita Horrificus, a race of sentient walking fungus-like creatures. This is one of the races fighting alongside the Eldar to prevent the Tyranids from gaining the ability to manipulate time by protecting the dying remnants of a species able to do so from consumption and adaptation by the hive mind.

New 40k Xenos Race Design & Rules
Their design philosophy is simple yet cool. See they have two things, one of which is weapons that generate “AoEs” that persist from a few marked points on the battlefield to the end of the round. These extend a number of inches from said point and can buff friendly models or debuff enemy models. This serves as their replacement to psyker actions. Generally not too powerful but cool things like adding or subtracting attacks (multi bonuses are subject to a D3 roll and are harder to put out), movement, or simply serving as cover.

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