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Dry brushing is one of those techniques that I use probably a lot more than I should (I love dry brushing). I will tell you one thing though... I burn through those brushes. Here is something that is peaking my interest though..... the new Artis Opus- Series D Brush Set, specifically designed for dry brushing.

Artis Opus - Series D: Brush Set

pledged of $12,994 goal
days to go

via the Kickstarter info.
In its most simple form, dry-brushing is a painting technique that utilises the texture and volume of a model to pick up paint and highlight prominent details.

This project is the result of questioning traditional tools and methods. For the first time ever, an alternatively designed drybrush has been produced purely for miniature painting. Series D rethinks and redefines drybrushing from the ground up.

Working in conjunction with two prolific and decorated painters and dry-brushing specialists, David Soper and Bohun, we are proud to have produced the finest quality dry-brushes that the miniature painting industry has ever seen.

After 4 years of R&D, we are excited to finally bring you Series D: the rebirth of the dry-brush.

With Series D brushes, you can achieve:

Smoother volumes and flat areas
Perfect stippling, using the round head’s natural fade toward the edges
‘Edge highlighting’ with minimal paint transfer on surrounding areas
More delicate dry-brushing, allowing for more subtlety, and looking after your models!


Pledge £49 or more
1 x Series D: Brush Set (Oct Shipping)
The complete brush set: including 4 brushes (XS, S, M, L), soap, dampening pad and box. This production batch is scheduled to ship in October.

Pledge £93 or more
2 x Series D: Brush Set (Sept Shipping)
The complete brush set: including 4 brushes (XS, S, M, L), soap, dampening pad and box. This production batch is scheduled to ship in September.

Pledge £93 or more
2 x Series D: Brush Set (Oct Shipping)
The complete brush set: including 4 brushes (XS, S, M, L), soap, dampening pad and box. This production batch is scheduled to ship in October.

Pledge £200 or more
Retailer Pledge (Store Only)
6 complete brush sets: each including 4 brushes, soap and box. Plus POS stand and promotional material. Must be a store. UK companies subject to +20% in pledge manager.

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