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New today is the Fyreslayer Battletome along with Endless Spells for them and a new Battleforge. 40k also is wrapping known Chaos Marine releases with a new Chaos Lord, Master of Executions, and Dark Apostle.

New from Games Workshop

Battletome: Fyreslayers (Hardback) £25
Discover the lore and history of Grimnir's chosen warriors.
Master your army with allegiance abilities and lodge rules.
Customise your collection with command traits, artefacts, warscroll battalions and more!

Magmic Invocations £20
Unleash the fiery wrath of the Zharrgron Flame-spitter…
…shield your units with the Runic Fyrewall…
…or crush your foes with the Molten Infernoth!

Magmic Battleforge £20
Add some Fyreslayers flair to your battlefields.
Enhance the abilities of Fyreslayers Priests

Master of Executions £15
An intimidating HQ choice for the Chaos Space Marines
The bane of enemy Characters
Augmented by powerful abilities to help him engage and execute targets of choice

Chaos Lord £15
An imposing HQ choice and natural leader for the Chaos Space Marines
Armed with a mighty thunder hammer

Able to increase the fighting skill and accuracy of nearby allies
Dark Apostle £22.50
An integral HQ choice for the Chaos Space Marines
A powerful support Character able to bolster the Leadership and combat skill of nearby allies
Accompanied by a pair of relic-bearing Dark Disciples
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