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The Ynnari are getting an Index update with some new rules for including character datasheets, new stratagems and Warlord Traits. This is the biggest highlight in there, so check it out the preview below.

via the Warhammer Community. You can see more of their article at the link.
Index Xenos: Ynnari
"The hybrid Aeldari faction of the Ynnari are the subject of a fascinating Index Xenos article. It kicks off with a detailed background section that summarises the seismic events of Wake the Dead and the Fracture of Biel-Tan, and the rite of awakening that stirred Ynnead, the God of the Dead, into being.

Afterwards, you can check out the extensive bestiaries on Yvraine, the Visarch and the Yncarne – Ynnead’s emissary, sword and avatar respectively. Of course, no Index would be complete without shiny new rules, so you’ll also be treated to new datasheets for the three aforementioned characters and 17 powerful Stratagems, as well as 6 each of the following: Warlord Traits, Relics of Ynnead, Tactical Objectives and psychic powers from the Revenant discipline."

Battle Report: The Gold Face of Khaine
"In this issue’s Warhammer Age of Sigmar Battle Report, Ben Johnson’s Daughters of Khaine army takes on the volcanic wrath of Kevin Chin’s Fyreslayers in a custom battleplan set in the Realm of Shadow. The battleplan is also included so you can try it for yourself. Oh, and did we mention the rules for using the Wild Troggoths that feature in the game?"

Age of Sigmar
Rules of Engagement
Jervis Johnson discusses the art of summoning units onto the battlefield and how the rules for doing so have evolved over the years.

Fantastical Realms – the Realm of Shadow
White Dwarf welcomes you to the mysterious lands of Ulgu, with tips on how to kitbash and paint your collections to give them a more shadowy feel.

The Curse-gold Grudge
Fyreslayers of the Aqshygahr Lodge brave the Caverns of Abyssal Silence in search of ancient treasure in this short story by Jordan Green.

Warhammer 40,000
A Villain Reborn
Seb Perbet discusses bringing a new lease of life to Abaddon the Despoiler with the new miniature.

The Light of Hope
Andy Clark’s short story tells of an Imperial ship lost in the warp, desperately seeking the light of the Astronomican to guide their way once more.

A miniatures showcase followed by a Paint Splatter offer stage-by-stage guidance on how to paint the Ynnari.

10 pages of inspirational Primaris Space Marines conversions to inspire and delight!

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