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Looncurse is coming this weekend with some pretty sick miniatures in it. I am waiting to get the prices this morning, but its looking like a cool box set that could really work for some of my armies (there is a lot of conversion pieces I want in this).

via the Warhammer Community
While you’ll have to wait a couple of weeks to open Looncurse for yourself, we’ve got the next best thing! Having dispatched our most loyal squigs to nab a set for us, we’re opening up this latest battlebox for your viewing pleasure.


There’s nothing quite like cracking open a big box of new models, is there? Looncurse is absolutely packed with sprues – it’s like two Start Collecting!sets rolled into one! Inside, you’ll find the following units:


Gloomspite Gitz

– 10 Cave Squigs and 2 Squig Herders
– 5 Boingrot Bounderz

Of course, an army isn’t much without a Hero to lead it, which is where the new characters in the set come in. Both of the noble Arch-Revenant and insane Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig are totally new designs – here’s what they look like on the sprue.

And here’s what they look like painted! Pretty cool, right?

The Looncurse Book

The 40-page Looncurse supplement in the box gives you the wheres, whys and hows of the battle for Ayadah. This once-verdant region of the Realm of Metal has now become a battlefield between the grots and the Sylvaneth who are, perhaps understandably, not very happy that their sacred glades are now infested with semi-sentient fungus.

Narrative battleplans let you fight the war for Ayadah yourself and are a great way to get stuck in with the armies in the set. Meanwhile, the new warscrolls and pitched battle profiles are great for when you want to bring them to your bigger games or to use them as allies for a larger Order or Destruction force.


Looncurse also includes a nifty sheet of tokens and markers, including range rulers, tokens for keeping track of your command points, and more.

You’ll be able to get your hands on Looncurse very soon

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