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I tend to like these types of hints. This gives us at least a hint of opportunities that we will get in Looncurse. I really like the Sylvaneth side of this boxset for conversions and Im certain that the otherside might have some options for me as well.

Below are two lists for a 2,000pt game.

via the Warhammer Community. See the entire article by following the link.

Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig
The warscroll for the Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig hasn’t changed in Looncurse, with this mushroom-fuelled maniac remaining a fantastic commander for your own horde of squigs. Seriously, just check out his warscroll – woe betide the foe who underestimates this guy in close combat.

The Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig’s command ability, Let’s Get Bouncing, helps you get your Squig units into battle as fast as possible, and can help compensate for their somewhat-random movement.

With this grot on your side, and the models from Looncurse, you’ve got the makings of a pretty awesome army – here’s one we put together earlier…

The List
We here on the Warhammer Community team are suckers for a strong theme, so we’ve expanded Looncurse out into an apocalyptically silly (and pretty effective!) squig-based list. Using the Squig Rider Stampede and Squigalanche warscroll battalions, we’ve squeezed the army into a single unit placement during deployment, meaning you’re more likely to choose who has the first turn. The tactics, such as they are, are simple – identify a target, apply squigs, rinse and repeat until you run out of enemies.

Loonboss on Mangler Squigs
Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig

12x Squig Herd
12x Squig Herd
10x Squig Hoppers

10x Boingrot Bounderz
10x Boingrot Bounderz

Mangler Squigs
Mangler Squigs

Warscroll Battalions

Squig Rider Stampede

Total: 1980 Points

The List
Here, we’ve built an army around Kurnoth Hunters and Tree-Revenants to make the most of picking up multiple sets of Looncurse – just make sure you’ve got an appropriately grot-mad friend to trade the other half with!

We’ve based this force around using one Arch-Revenant to support ranged Kurnoth Hunters, while the other supports your front-line of Tree-Revenants. Alarielle is so awesome, we felt like we had to include her, while a couple of spare command points allow you to make the most of the Arch-Revenants’ command abilities. Alternatively, you could swap these out for another unit or your favourite endless spells.

Alarielle the Everqueen

10x Tree-Revenants
10x Tree-Revenants
10x Tree-Revenants

3x Kurnoth Hunters with Greatbows
3x Kurnoth Hunters with Greatbows
3x Kurnoth Hunters with Greatbows
Total: 1880 points

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