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There are three models that are not yet released but I am assuming that they are on their way very soon from Mierce Miniatures. These are actually a friend of mine's miniatures that he is collecting for his Genesys Project army (Reptilia). I know he bought them just recently.

So since he handed them to me to paint up and take a look at, thought we would do a review on them. They are cool miniatures.

A huge thanks to Mierce Miniatures for letting him pick these up. I was not involved in that transaction, but I know he was talking back and forth with Mierce. (great customer service I was told)

These are the Savrar Warriors.

Lets start with some preview pics of the miniatures.




So I assembled these, and since he ordered 5 of each one it was up to me to combine parts and interchange them to create some variation of the miniatures. The bodies of these miniatures are in the poses they come with. The bodies are in set positions, with the heads, tails, arms, and weapons as separate. This is the biggest drawback to the miniatures (their customization ability).

These are amazing for Lizard Men type miniatures. I am not a fan of the Aztec Lizard Men anymore, which makes miniatures like these very cool. Not only that but the detail on these miniatures is excellent. (I love that it makes painting them so much easier, and the detail just comes out). I also love dynamic poses and these fit the bill.

Here are the miniatures after assembling them.
Probably important to say that these come on a 30mm base.

Now I painted these up.....

of course a size comparison.

These resin miniatures were a snap to put together. I gave them a brief wash (light soap and warm water) and my Locktite glue put them together with not a single issue. The miniatures have a lot of detail and really are excellent models that are better seen in person than through pics or digital images of them. I really like them and hopefully we will be seeing even more of an expansion for Lizard Men type models from Mierce Minatures. 

I know they have more available that were released just recently......

Together there are some great options to combine sets to make just about any Lizard Men type armies. 

Mierce Miniatures Link here

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