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What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to

For one reason or another I have not gotten round to playing lots of games this year so I decided to consoles myself by getting all my miniatures out for a little parade.

I know I got around 45k points worth of miniatures (I created an excel spreadsheet) but in the attached photos it must be around 40k as they don’t include unpainted miniatures and forgot a few to boot.

I should point out this collection has been amassed over nearly 25 years and has cost me relatively little cos I get bits for birthdays and Christmas and the rest is from eBay or 3rd party retailers.

All in all I don’t tent to get rid of a thing hence why my collection is so large and one reason it is not bigger is cos I have a rule about not fielding stuff till it is painted, this is good to keep me in check as well as forcing me to get stuff painted. If only GW could stop releasing such nice stuff all the time darn them so I can catch up.

It is also worth pointing out that the photo with all the Eldar also contains my harlequin and dark Eldar armies that are in the process of growing.

Like I said I started collecting almost 25 years ago when I fell in love with the Eldar at first sight and collected them from the get go, The Tau and marines tagging on for the ride and the dark Eldar and harlequins are the most recent additions.

In this time I have seen the game change a lot and it has kept me very happy for a long time. I have also found over the years I have not only gotten much better at painting (lord my first stuff sucked) but also enjoy the art of sculpting and casting more now.

Do I need all this stuff………. No not really but I like to have options and the Eldar are more of a collection than a usable force.

Will I ever stop……………. No probably not lol

Hope this inspires you chaps to get some of your stuff out on display and show us your good work.

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