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Dropfleet Commander Updates!!!! New sprue pics, and a brief QnA on progress.

 To every backer
Thank you for all your patience in the last few weeks! We have been non-stop: with all the work for dispatching Dropfleet Commander to all the backers who made the launch of this game possible in this way, along with preparation for the following retail release of Dropfleet Commander to the world and all the work we have been doing for Dropzone Commander with Reconquest: Phase 2 (our next expansion book for Dropzone Commander.)

Thank you for all of your support during this time. I hope this update will outline and cover any questions that have been asked on social media and through Kickstarter.

Firstly, time for some more updates - and we have 2 great sprues for you:

The Launch Assets Sprue.

 Detail of Launch Assets Sprue for Dropfleet Commander

Space Station Sprue for Dropfleet Commander

The next thing is to say that we are already well into packing the various elements for the fulfilment of this Kickstarter. With over 4000 orders and well over one hundred thousand sprues, along with the plethora of other items that will be going out to backers, this is certainly a huge packing and logistics task. We are endeavouring to ensure that no mistakes are made, checking each component before items are packed within larger kits.

We are excited to begin shipping the pledges out, but we are still waiting on certain printed elements and a few of the final runs of sprues. At Hawk Wargames we pay close attention to the quality of what we create, and we are doing our best to deliver a high standard for this game, from the rules, through to the printed items and of course the models! We hope you will see this when you receive your rewards.

We wanted to clarify a few points and questions that have been made:

1. When will the Dropfleet Commander be released on general sale?
We are planning for Dropfleet Commander to be released on general sale in mid to late September, with following waves of releases coming in the middle of each month following.

2. Will Dropfleet Commander be sold before rewards are sent out?
We will not be retailing any product that has not yet been dispatched to backers first. As mentioned above, we are planning to release on general sale in September, and we hope to have all elements of the rewards out to backers before this date.

3. Why have there been delays?
We recognise that there has been a delay, and though we have done a lot to try to avoid it, this delay has been caused by a mixture of the following:

Ensuring the quality of the tooling is to the level we are happy with,
Additional game testing to fully polish the rules and scenarios,
Spending a little longer than planned on fine-tuning the design work for both printed items and models.
We have also undertaken a variety of activities in order to improve our company for the launch of Dropfleet Commander:

Employed a number of support staff who are managing our Hawk Talons Scheme, and our Customer Service,
Preparing a range of future releases for Dropfleet Commander that are in addition to the rewards and add-ons available on the Kickstarter, which will be available from your local Gaming Store during the release period,
Working on a range of universe supporting campaign material, including cross compatible campaigns with Dropzone Commander and Dropfleet Commander.
4. What is the Pre-Release Event on the 20th August, in Cardiff about?

This event will allow us to showcase the game and a range of the miniatures to everyone who can attend. We will also have a range of specific workshops about how to put together your models, some painting tips, and of course many demo tables to allow attendees to play (or watch) a demo game - we will have many tables at the event. We chose the South Wales Gaming Centre due to the size and fairly central location, and hope this is most convenient for those based in the UK, and even travelling from Europe.

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We have a range of upcoming events which will highlight Dropfleet Commander (along with the new releases for Dropzone Commander) over the next few months:

Gen Con 2016 in Indianapolis, USA - 4th-7th August
Dropfleet Pre-Launch event in Cardiff, UK - 20th August
(Free Tickets for this event are still available here)

Autumn Invasion 2016 and Open Weekend in Croydon, UK - 17th-18th September
(Tickets for this tournament along with further information can be found here)

These events will allow you to find out more about the game, have a demo, and get a look at the variety of spaceships that can be made from the sprues for each faction, along with the Space Station and Launch Assets sprues, as well as the wonderful artwork that our team have been working on. We are very excited to be able to share this, and once again, wish to thank you all for your support in getting us to this point!

We will be extracting final shipping information very soon, so we can compile our final shipping database for our couriers. It is our intention that all rewards are delivered by courier. We will make every effort to dispatch as many rewards as we can at the same time, but due to the quantity, it might be that some are dispatched a little before others. We will be sharing more information in the coming days and weeks regarding progress of packing and shipping.
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