Latest News

The 9th Age is really growing in popularity now, with over 8,000 registered members on their forums and more and more miniature companies coming to support the game.

Here is the latest announcement

The 9th Age has compiled the latest news of Miniature Companies making 9th Age announcements at the link.

Announcements include

Mitosis Miniatures have launched their Kickstarter campaign for their Goblin Rat Rider set. Here it is: Goblin Rat Riders Kickstarter

Shieldwolf Miniatures (we have already seen this one, buts its worth mentioning again)
Shieldwolf Miniatures Newsletter, July 7th 2016.

Good day to all!  

We are happy to reveal that the Team at Shieldwolf HQ is busier than ever! Not only is the fulfillment process of our very successful Shieldmaiden KS at full speed but there are also talks with new distributors interesting in collaborating with Shieldwolf Miniatures in countries like the USA, Holland and the UK.

Shieldwolf Miniatures has completed the releases of the fantasy busts in the project "Monuments of Glory-2" with great success, although technical reasons have currently dissalowed the jewel of our collection to be released (we are referring to the River Orc Great Shaman). The warmth with which painters and collectors once again received the project indicates to a very possible "Monuments of Glory-3".

"War is Coming" game is going to be deprived of almost 90% of its funding for the next 2 to 3 years. The remaining 10% will be directed for artwork and editing of the fluff/fantasy storylines Angelos is going to keep on writing.
The reserved funds will be instead directed in vastly augmenting the 28mm miniature range in support of T9A.

Concerning T9A, there are two things we'd like to publicly share with you:

First has to do with yet another innovative move from Shieldwolf Miniatures, being once again the first to publicly announce STARTER ARMY PACKS dedicated to T9A community and to be released in 2017. These are going to allow newcomers an easier entrance to the fantasy wargaming hobby, disregarding what some call "entry barrier" and offering a starter army of the highest quality (both sculpt and material wise) ready to field and play!
The following packs have already been decided upon
- Shieldmaiden Starter Army
- Orc Starter Army
- Shieldmaidens vs Orcs
hopefully with many more to come. We hope and believe more manufacturers are going to try and follow our example just like they followed our lead when we actively supported T9A as the first established manufacturer doing so!

Second thing we'd like to share with you is that we will be present in the Athens ETC (of which we are proud sponsors) and we are very eager to meet and interact with you and also answer any questions you might have.
In the meanwhile... happy wargaming!  

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.
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