The new BlogExchange is now located at the top right of this blog, and will update you with the latest from blogs on the Exchange. Also note that there are blogs here that I have added myself, that you should be reading. Places like Stelek's YesTheTruthHurts, BOLS, 3++ Is the New Black, and many more. (No drama in the comments on these please, these are sites that can be extremely helpful).
The search box at the bottom of the Exchange is set up to search all the blogs listed on the exchange. Type in your subject, and you should be able find what you want. Being able to search all the listed blogs for a single subject should really be a great aid for readers looking that hard to find subject.
We also will be doing a BlogExchange spotlight for blogs that send me in a brief description with a link. If you want a pic included, either point it out to me, or include it. Since only one site jumped on it this week, there is only one site to spotlight. It looks something like this.
My new small online presence is goaled to be something positive for the online community. I will have a picture and link heavy format that will focus on basic concepts, basic strategy, battle reports, and 40k updating to help keep myself and others motivated on 40k goals. Also random blog stuff like ranting since it’s a blog and I don’t know that you can get away from that. lol The goal is to eventually have an easy to find catalog of basic concepts built up so that newer players have someplace to get a dose of 40k 101 without being at the mercy of the forums.
Feel free to Stop by, look, follow, and leave any comments or feedback.