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What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics or short video to

I've been following your site for many years, so thank you for your tireless coverage and dedication to the hobby.

I recently finished this scratchbuilt/conversion project for my Eldar collection and thought it might be of interest.

It's a superheavy transport called the Pegasus; the design was inspired by a small image of an unidentified Eldar vehicle in a piece of codex artwork depicting a craftworld interior. 

It took a little over 9 years to fully complete and uses parts from multiple kits as well as copious amounts of plasticard, Green Stuff and Milliput.  The interior is fully detailed and the model is magnetised so that it can be removed from the flying base.

A full project log can be found on my website -

In game terms I envisage it as a larger scale Wave Serpent with a transport capacity of 30 - 40. It is lightly armed with a pair of Eldar Missile Launchers and a single heavy weapon mount under the cockpit that can take one of several magnetised options. I played it in an Apocalypse game in 6th edition when it was partly assembled but haven't updated the rules for 8th edition yet.


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