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New releases for Middle Earth! Saruman's spies are everywhere and now they can be yours.

Crebain™ £21

There are all manner of creatures that are under the influence of Saruman, used as spies to discover the whereabouts of the Ringbearer. Of all the creatures in Saruman's service, the Crebain of Dunland are arguably the most effective. These large crow-like birds patrol the lands around the Gap of Rohan in search of the Fellowship, and swiftly bring news to the White Wizard. It is the keen sight of these creatures that make them excellent spies, for they are able to spot beings that would remain hidden from view

via the Warhammer Community

If you serve the White Hand, then you’re set to receive some avian reinforcements in the form of the black-feathered Crebain of Dunland.

These winged spies of Saruman are so small and numerous that even Legolas knew that to engage them with arrows would be sheer folly. Meanwhile, Crebain swoop around the battlefield seeking out hidden enemies who would otherwise be all but invisible to the naked eye.
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