What is the Genesys Project?
A full customizable tabletop miniature wargame were you can create and customize your own factions playing through three ages of gameplay. (2nd and 3rd Age coming soon). The game is miniature agnostic, meaning you can use the miniatures you already own or want to use.
Need to know more about creating your own custom factions? See the videos below.
Overview on the Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjV5sdXFbNc&t=2s
Creating Factions 101 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW-HWwCEiic&t=14s
Creating Humanoids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTfCD3jx3AY
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Genesys-Games-325160368399640/
The Release will include both the following.
The Genesys Project: Core Rules
Everything you need to play the game in any age of gameplay. This includes 7 premade factions to jump right in and start playing, including mission generation rules and awards through gameplay.
96pgs Full Color book.
The Birth of Genesys: The First Age
Create your own factions with all the traits and abilities needed to create/customize and advance your faction through the first age of The Genesys Project. The 1st Age is a Fantasy setting in the Medieval/Renaissance time periods were you can create Humanoids, Fey, Reptilia, Biests, and Insekt factions. You can create custom Monsters for your faction as well as customize spells and equipment.
184pgs Full color book.
The Birth of Genesys and the Core Rules will be available in both physical and digital formats.
Physical Books are beautifully done full color with a black ribbon for marking your pages.
Digital versions will include both a high res and standard format (the artwork is just that nice).
Thats not even all!
There are a few digital products and gaming aids that you will enjoy.
Accessories and Expansions for the Genesys Project
The Primitive Age- Digital Only
In this digital supplement to the Birth of Genesys you can create your faction through gameplay! Begin your narrative at the very beginning of civilization with the Primitive Age with rules on additional customization of your where you faction came from including new rules for primitive weapons, customizing your starting characteristics and more.
First Age Faction Pack- Digital Only
Want more examples of factions to see what is possible in The Genesys Project. There are 6 Fully fleshed out factions here along with 2 minor factions. The factions inside include those created by "Create a Faction Contests" from the onset of our Open Beta and factions used by playtesters.
The Encryption Project, NorKraag Dwarves, Aagami Reptiles, Cyraeth Destructors and more, each domain is represented here along with additional monsters in several of the factions, like a dreaded Manticore, Dai-Kaiju, and Ancient Wolfen monsters.
With the Core Rules+ 1st Age Faction Pack you have 15 factions ready to play!
Template, Objective Marker Packs, and Dice
Want a cool 5"/3" blast template that is both?! Objective markers and a turn counter to mark your game turns. Dice with The Genesys Project 3-Age Triangle logo on the 6. Its all here.

Coming in April: The first Campaign set! The Ruins of Tor Qi.
Here you will find rules for gameplay 1-4 players including non-player factions! Explore the ruins in cooperative/competitive game missions where every game leads you to a finale and the rebirth of demon. Campaign books do not contain additional traits or abilities to add rules to the game. What they do contain is new campaign rules and alternative game set ups that will expand upon your narratives and fun. These campaigns are meant to be played over a 2-3 day get together. This will be a digital release only.
How long will you have to wait? Expect pre-orders to go live in the next week, with a flexible release date in the second week of April. (interesting times right now so some flexibility is in place for shipping).