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JUST A COUPLE HOURS LEFT!!!!! A reminder of the Kickstarter event here.

Looking for new ways to keep your miniatures together on and off the tabletop? The Thunder Tray Kickstarter from TTAdapters is just about to end. Its got 4 hours left and is already successful and pushing past stretch goals.

$5,213 pledged of $1,490 goal
84 backers
4 hours to go

The Thunder Tray is a new type of tray that aims to help wargamers lower the hassle of going out to play. It will speed up movement of miniatures in-home storage, transportation and gaming in one solution. Allowing you to move miniatures multitudes faster in battle as well on the shelves.

The design is unnoticeable to the eye. By using magnets on the miniatures, you can bind them all as one. The product is coated steel, which makes it very long lasting and wont easily scratch.

Here is a look at my own pictures taking a look at some samples that were sent my way.

First off these are extremely durable. While for using these in-game are not quite something I would use personally I can see how they are useful quite in very large games. Where I do find a solid use for them is for your metal trays at events and tournaments where you would be moving from one table to another. It can take a very long time to move miniatures in and out of cases and these work perfectly for that. Ive always hated packing up a 100 guardsmen just to move to a table one row over during the tournament.

While the miniatures pictured are not magnetized (I can't show the ones I was using due to a conflict of interest), they do slide on and off like shown in the videos above very smoothly, and hold tight when turning them upside down.

Here are some metal miniatures as well with larger bases.

As a magnetic moving tray these are very awesome and handle the job quite well and allow for easy movement on and off the table.

Where these tray shine though is when your carrying case is magnetized and you are at an event playing multiple games a day. These are well worth the investment for these types of events, and while I don't much play the big ones anymore I do wish that when I did I had these trays with me.

One more thing to note!
Those carrying cases that are lined with metal.... If you have one of these, these trays are something you need.

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