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Games Workshop has a full new set of reveals live from gama.


You’ve harnessed the muscle of House Goliath with the House of Chains. Now, in the House of Blades, the cunning of House Escher is yours to master!

House of Blades is a new gang book for Necromunda that offers unparalleled resources for Escher gamers and lore-lovers alike. As well as detailing the history of this gang in a level never seen before, it looks to the future with new rules, house allegiances, gangers and even their pets! Take the Death-maidens – Eschers returned to life through vile science in order to lend their deadly services to their gangs once more – and the Wyld Runners, bold explorers who hunt the Underhive.

Or these little critters – aren’t they sweet? Known as phelynx, these cat-like monstrosities are cracking for bringing down rival gangers.

We’ll have more information for you soon in the Underhive Informant, a new series of Necromunda previews that’s kicking off later today!

Warhammer Underworlds

At last, the Daughters of Khaine have come to Warhammer Underworlds!

Later this year, Morathi’s chosen servants will arrive in Beastgrave with a warband that boils down this iconic army into its most distinctive elements – crazed cultists, shadowy mutants and one very deadly Hag Queen. Known as Morgwaeth’s Blade-Coven, this warband will bring the fast, tactical and gory play style of the Daughters of Khaine to your competitive battles.

We’ll have more details and card previews for this warband right here before long, so stay tuned.

Adeptus Titanicus

Everyone loves Knights. Everyone loves small versions of big things. Thus, it stands to reason that everyone is going to love the latest release for Adeptus Titanicus – teeny tiny versions of the Knight-Acheron and Knight-Castigator!

Rendered at last in glorious plastic, these new models bring the design elements and lethal weaponry of their larger counterparts to Adeptus Titanicus tabletops in style. They’ll be great to add to your armies or just as particularly cracking painting projects and desk-decoration.

And that’s not all. Whether you like your war-machines small or massive, you’ll want to grab yourself a copy of The Defence of Ryza, the next campaign book for Adeptus Titanicus. You’ll have the chance to forge your own legios or master a legendary one from the background, discover more epic titan battles from the Horus Heresy, declare your loyalty or harness new battle standards for your Knight Household – and that’s just scratching the surface!

Keep an eye out for more news in upcoming Engine Kill! articles.

Age of Sigmar

Spears, horsemen, legendary warriors of yore – the Lumineth Realm-lords are shaping up to be a stunning army. And you’ve not even seen the whole range yet! Feast your eyes upon the Auralan Sentinels!

Providing long-ranged support to phalanxes of Auralan Wardens, Auralan Sentinels reimagine the classic High Elf Archer in stunning Warhammer Age of Sigmar fashion, featuring fantastic detail, great customisability and even fully strung bows – some of you might even recognise them from a previous Rumour Engine.

Of course, what would an aelven army be without some mages?

This is an Alarith Stonemage – an aelven wizard attuned to the power of the elements. This model isn’t just a brilliant example of what modern miniatures design technology can do (look how delicately they’re balanced!), it’s also a valuable battlefield unit that enhances nearby allies, as well as smiting enemies with gravity manipulating magic!

Warhammer 40k
Last, but not least, we have a very tantalising tease indeed. Just who or what is The Spider?

We’re sure you might have some ideas. If you haven’t guessed it yet, here’s his top assistant as a clue…
Let us know who you think it could be on the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page!

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