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OK, here is a miniature Im interested in! Most excellent for the Catachans in my IG army. Too bad she is an exclusive.... which means hard to get for a lot of people. Great mini.

via the Warhammer Community

Sergeant ‘Ripper’ Jackson
The new exclusive miniature for store opening events is this tough-as-nails Catachan Jungle Fighter veteran sergeant, and she’s ready to lead the charge.

She’s packing a boltgun, chainsword, laspistol (you can never have enough guns), a bionic leg and an intimidating presence – as befitting a leader of the Astra Militarum. This model makes an ideal display piece, from the pose to the scenic jungle base which is decorated with carnivorous plants and a thoroughly deceased Tyranid organism. We’re sure Ripper is going to be a hit with both Astra Militarum players, collectors and painters alike. 

We’ll have more information about how to get your hands on this awesome model soon. Look for new store opening events near you, and start planning your trip!

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