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Bring out the Horus Heresy just to play these miniatures. Of course I can't replicate that paint job well enough, but I sure as hell would love to field these guys. The new Deathwing Companions are coming later this year.

I bet these are going to cost a pretty penny or two.

via the Warhammer Community

The Road to Thramas looks at a new unit for the Dark Angels Legion and their glorious models. Get ready to protect your Characters from the worst that the Night Lords can throw at them.

The finest warriors from the Deathwing compose the ranks of Companions, honour-bound to form the personal bodyguard of Dark Angels officers. Each has taken an oath to lay down their lives before letting harm come to the one they are tasked to protect.* Any among the Companions that took a death-blow meant for their charge and survived would be granted the right to wear bone-white armour in recognition of their selfless devotion.

The Deathwing Companions will be out later in the year, as will The Horus Heresy Book Nine – Crusade, which features more rules and background for the Dark Angels and the Night Lords.

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