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After the announcements from Boris Johnson yesterday I was certain something was coming. For now though Games Workshop is shutting its doors down through April 14th. This includes factories, stores etc. They are a global country and its just that time.

Time to Paint, put Miniatures together, Refine that list, and come up with new variants.

You can see the announcement from the UK Prime Minister here

via Games Workshop

Friends and fellow hobbyists, it seems it’s finally time to stay at home and tackle that pile of sprue you’ve been stashing under the bed and finish that half-painted unit that’s been languishing on your desk.

The safety and wellbeing of all our customers and staff are paramount to everyone here at Games Workshop. In response to the developing global situation surrounding the spread of COVID-19, and following the advice and instruction from both the government here in the UK and throughout the world – we are closing Games Workshop sites around the globe.

This means that all our Warhammer and Games Workshop stores will be shut from the 24th March until an initial date of the 14th April. We’ll also be closing our factory and distribution centres – so our online stores (Games Workshop, Forge World and Black Library) won’t be selling or shipping any physical products during this period either. If you’ve recently placed an order and are waiting for it to arrive, please give us 48 hours to contact you. If you’ve still got questions after that, then please drop our Customer Service team a line via email, they’ll be valiantly working from home to ensure you’re supported over this period.

This does NOT mean you’re on your own, though. Now, more than ever, the wonderful spirit of friendship and cooperation that binds Warhammer hobbyists together is needed. With that in mind, the Warhammer Community and Warhammer TV teams are bunkered down in their hobby rooms at home ready to update with fun Warhammer news, articles and content each and every day. We’ll be sharing our hobby with you, and we hope you’ll share your hobby with us, with #WarhammerCommunity, on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and we hope you’ll be joining us on Twitch, too.

You’ll also still be able to keep yourself entertained with some cracking ebooks and audio dramas from Black Library’s digital offering, so we can finally catch up on all those books we’ve been meaning to read.

Most importantly, everyone stay safe – be supportive to the people around you, and keep your mind and body happy and healthy. When this all blows over, we’ll get back to throwing dice together soon enough!
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