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The next Psychic Awakening is right on the horizon now and this story takes us along that path with the Space Wolves of Fenris.

Excerpt via the Warhammer Community

The Link

The wolf stalked through the damp grass, his pace quick as his eyes scanned the ridgeline before him. Warily, for something felt wrong this night, he crested the rise and took in the sight before him. An ominous storm hung overhead, intermittent flashes illuminating its unnatural purple-black hues. The valley beneath was hounded by a tempest of rain and lightning, and the humid air vibrated under the fluctuating pressure. The wolf’s hairs were on end from a strange static on the wind. He bared his teeth and stared down the storm’s approach, defiant amidst the tumult.

The wolf’s attention was drawn to the valley below as his kin bounded forward. He howled to catch their attention, but the solemn note was drowned out by the storm. Unsure of how he had broken from his pack, the wolf looked on despondently as they went on without him. As they raced into the storm’s heart, the wolf observed a mighty beast emerging from the forest on the other side of the valley. Thick muscles bulged from its dense black form, various scars and wounds adorned its flanks and cloven hooves scuffed the ground. Curved horns protruded from its broad skull, and its baying showed a beast in the clutches of rage, unafraid of the tempest that raged above.

The pack sensed the threat and a call to action went up. The foremost wolf raced forward, a turn of acceleration that caught the beast off guard. The wolf ducked a clumsy swing of horns and locked its jaw tightly on the beast’s flank, but its teeth could not pierce the hide. The beast bucked hard and the wolf fell to the floor, then was hammered into the mud as a swift kick of hooves connected with its ribs. Whelps of pain were lost to the howl of the storm as two other wolves attempted a head-on charge, but a scything sweep of the beast’s horns gored the injured wolf and the others called off their attack. From the ridgeline, the wolf looked down upon his fallen packmate; the blow had ended his life instantly.

The beast puffed out a breath of contempt as the remaining wolves circled, hesitantly. A vicious growl brought all eyes to a single wolf. It called back the pack and stood alone in challenge, its thick black mane rustling in the wind. With fangs bared and eyes dilated, the pack alpha prepared to fight the beast alone. The beast scraped the ground and charged, a release of aggression and adrenaline bound for the alpha. The wolf advanced in kind, its pace measured at first, but as the two combatants drew near it leapt into the air. The beast reared to meet the challenge…

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