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Wanting to start a new army or reinforce what you have? There are several Start Collecting sets up today along with the new Seraphon Battletome aned Realmshaper Engine.

Battletome: Seraphon
£25 Pre-order

Realmshaper Engine
£35 Pre-order

Warscroll Cards: Seraphon
£20 Pre-order

Battletome: Seraphon (Limited Edition)
£50 Pre-order

Start Collecting! Skinks
£60 Pre-order

Start Collecting! Gloomspite Gitz
£60 Pre-order

Start Collecting! Daughters of Khaine
£55 Pre-order

Start Collecting! Skinks Collection
£85 Pre-order

 Start Collecting! Daughters of Khaine Collection
£80 Pre-order

Start Collecting! Seraphon Collection
£80 Pre-order

Start Collecting! Gloomspite Gitz Collection
£85 Pre-order

White Dwarf 451

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